Moonboy's POV: Valentines Day

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Moonboys x You (Reader)

Summary: How would each alter react to you on Valentines day? Little snippets of their lives with you. Happy Valentines 🥰

Warnings: No smut but suggestive.


Steven--Have you ever wanted every single breakfast item on your plate in the shape of a heart? Of course you have

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Have you ever wanted every single breakfast item on your plate in the shape of a heart? Of course you have. Steven would prepare you the best Valentine's breakfast and eat in bed with you. Excited to spend the whole morning with you. Be prepared to be dragged back down into the sheets at some point.

All throughout the day he would've been sending you gifts. Singing messengers. The biggest bouquet of fruit in the shape of flowers. A telegram bear. He worried the other two wouldn't send you anything so he doubled his efforts on their behalf. He didn't think you'd mind coming home to find petals everywhere and the bath filled for you. Was it all a bit much? Yeah, maybe. But he wanted to show you he cared.

A bazillion candles and almost a burned-down apartment later. You'd be getting full-body massages to some relaxing music he'd found. Trying to talk over it in some soothing voice when it accidentally hits the advertisements. He especially wouldn't know what to do with his hands if you happened to turn over to face him. Take him a minute to get into it and massage you everywhere. Ready to give you anything you need to feel loved.

Marc--Marc would get you a piece of jewelry with some underlying sharp edge

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Marc would get you a piece of jewelry with some underlying sharp edge. Giving you a tactile method of causing damage to someone if you intended it so. He'd show you how to use it, make you get up and practice trying it on him. Turn it into a game where you're both laughing and Marc's wrestling you to the ground.

He'd apologize for not getting you a nice date somewhere, hating how busy the restaurants get, but he'd always been good in the kitchen. He just needs to get his hands off of you first.

Marc wouldn't be loud in his Valentine's efforts, but you'd see it in his attentiveness. The way he'd try to determine your needs before you voiced them. Telling you about all the ways he loved you. All the times you've made him laugh or gotten him out of his shell.

He'd prepare every single one of your favorite meals. Getting you to sit on his lap so he can feed you each bite between some of his own. He'd tease you. Touch you. Do anything to distract you until he had a good enough reason to be dragging you back to bed with him to show you what he really feels about you. He'd be whatever you want him to be. The night was yours to control (and possibly get some good use out of Steven's restraints).

 The night was yours to control (and possibly get some good use out of Steven's restraints)

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He wouldn't do anything stupid like come at you with gifts or affection - so he says. Knowing Steven will probably do that for the lot of them. Instead, he'd invite you to come people watching with him. A real wine and dine dinner at Costco where there won't be a wait on the tables. Guess the lives and stories of those who passed by. Make up the wildest scenarios.

After, he'd drag you along to the top of one of his favorite spots in the city, where you can oversee some Valentine's Parade from above. He'd want to show you his ring of smoke he can do which almost looks like a heart.

Jake would spend the whole day trying to figure out what you liked most about having him around. Or why you hadn't asked for one of the others yet. Most all all, he'd just appreciate spending whatever time he can get with you.

He'd show you the t-shirt he picked up for you. Surrounded by hearts that said; "I'm not sensitive, you're just a dickhead." Makes up for the amount of times you've called him one. Thought that'd give you both a laugh.

Once he'd dropped you off home, you'd find a gift-wrapped package of scandalous underwear signed J.L on the card. For when there's a next time, or not. He'd like to know you've worn it at some point. And possibly to piss off Marc once he finds out it was Jake that brought it. All for a good cause. He knows Marc's more possessive with you when he's all wound up. All the more reason for Jake to come back and dote on you afterwards.

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