Steven's POV: Mooning Business

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Marc Spector & Khonshu & Steven Grant

Summary: Marc's discovered something nefarious at the port. Steven's getting more involved in this whole Mooning business. (To which Marc will keep telling him not to call it that but alas.)



"Quiet a minute." Marc shushed him. Focusing on the one with the golden mask. Determined to find a way to swoop in just as that crate was getting opened.

'Our evidence is about to go in the river if you don't bloody look.'

"What?" That got Marc's attention. Leaning back into himself to stop him from plunging out from hiding. Eyes darting in the direction away from the unboxing. Closer to the waterline. Steven was right. Someone was dumping shit into the river.

Marc moved, going as fast as he could while trying to minimize the risk of discovery. Looking around to see if any others were around. Finding no one. Marc moved in.

'No wait! I found him let me!' Marc hesitated.

'DO NOT LET THE WORM INTERFERE.' Khonshu was suddenly in his head again.

A tap on the guys shoulder, head swiveling around. Mr. Knight chirps, "Alright mate?" All before socking him in the face with his baton.

His arms wave to keep his balance but he too falls back into the water with a splash. He can swim, he'll be alright. Steven wastes no time bending down to pick up a piece of rock in confusion. Grey stone color except where the breaks were, all iridescent and pretty. Steven had never seen anything like it.

"Opal?" He asks. "No whys this fellow tossin' opal into the river?"

Turning the stone over revealed it was once part of someone's arm. Steven knew enough about the decimation to know it wasn't just stone. That was once a person. He almost bleeding dropped it, making a disgusted noise as he stepped back away from the crime scene. "Ooooh bloody hell that's a-"

'Quick looking at it and run.' Marc barked. Jostling Steven into a panicked blind run out of there, following the water's edge. Hugging the stone arm tight to his chest. Gunfire kicked up water behind him and Steven yelled in panic.

"Alright! Alright! That's me out. Take the body Marc - Take it- Take-"

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