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During the last chorus of the song at open mic, my leg started shaking and I tried to control it by wrapping my ankle around the chair. It was no use. The thought of me looking at Kai instead of Tae when I sang the words "you belong with me" bothered me. I continued to tremble so I forced my leg to stay still by pressing down on it hard, with one hand. That seemed to work. My nerves had gotten to me but then disappeared when my whole body relaxed. At the end of the song I was relieved I had managed not to fall off the stage from all that vibrating.

Polite applause and murmurs from the audience were heard. Before I left Kai and made my way to the back, he gave me a cheerful look and said, "You crushed it!"

"Really? I messed up," I admitted, lowering my voice to a whisper when the next act began.

"That's why I nudged your foot. I thought you forgot the words. But don't worry about it. That was really good considering it was our first time."

With a calm and serene look in his face, Kai took a seat and patted the empty one next to him. I didn't want to admit it, but I was thankful that he shared this experience with me. It was thrilling and fun after all. 

"I guess you're right. Look, I gotta go. I see Tae in the back," I explained then made my way past the rows of chairs, taking deliberately cautious steps.

Ahead of me stood Tae, looking casual and heartbreakingly handsome in a white button down shirt and khaki pants, straight from work I assumed. Trying to read his face, I had a hard time determining if he was proud of me or mad at me. Was this open mic going to put pressure on our relationship? Perhaps that was why Kai could act so different around me. There was no pressure between us. I, however, had to face whatever Tae dealt me.

Before he could even give me his reaction, I wrapped my arms around him for a hug. Maybe a physical sign of my feelings for him would help him decide how to react. He didn't respond, his face smooth and impassive as he glared down at me, but at least he hugged me back. 

We pulled apart at the same time, our faces still close. Looking deep into each other's eyes, Tae kept his thoughts to himself. I glanced at his lips, so soft and inviting, but they didn't move toward me. Finally he let go and picked up a single red rose wrapped in plastic from a nearby counter.

"Well done, you," Tae said in a serious tone.

"Thank you," I gushed, ignoring the way he was being stoic. As I sniffed the perfumed scent of the flower, the sounds of two guitars, one rhythm and one lead, playing a jazzy instrumental song, filled the library. "I thought you couldn't make it tonight."

"I convinced my co-worker to take a break until tomorrow." He looked down at me with his warm brown eyes and I wondered if I would've had that nervous tic on stage if he hadn't come.

"That's so thoughtful of you. And you came just in time to see me screw up," I said softly, jutting out my lower lip.

"I was here for both songs. You did a fine job," he complimented in a polite way, his arms leaving my sides.

"I don't know what happened. I got nervous and I couldn't control myself up there."

"You sounded great."

"I'm so embarrassed I-"

Tae cut me off. "Stop. Think of one good thing to say about yourself right now."

I tried to focus on the positive, averting my eyes from him. "I didn't mess up the first song."

"That's better," he said, satisfied.

The final two acts performed while Tae and I watched from the back of the meeting room. When I glanced at him for a comment after the event was over, he said nothing, his eyes narrow and boring into me. It seemed he had something on his mind. I assumed it was the stress from work.

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