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The problem with living on the same floor as your ex-boyfriend, is you live on the same floor as your ex-boyfriend. Avoiding Kai was difficult since he was very social and joined in all the group activities. Even though I did my best to separate from him, even taking the stairs when I saw him waiting for the elevator or cutting the small talk when I served him food in the cafeteria, it seemed rude and unlike me. But Tae had a special place in my heart, so I ignored Kai and didn't talk to him.

On the last day of classes before finals, he unfortunately caught up with me in the lobby of our dorm. "Hi, noona," Kai said hesitantly.

I quickened my steps so we wouldn't be walking so close to each other. "Hi," I replied curtly.

"You haven't talked to me since open mic. Is everything okay?"

"Yes," I said quickly. Averting my eyes from him, I dodged left to avoid both him and a swarm of students in front of us.

Sidling back to me, he continued the casual chit-chat. "Are you ready for your math final? Do you need help studying?"

"Don't worry about it," I said in a panicked voice. The elevator doors were open and waiting so I jumped in, desperate to retreat to the safety of my room.

Kai followed me and pressed the button for the fifth floor. "It's okay. I want to help. I'd like to talk to you about something actually. Why don't you come over to my room and bring your book?"

"No!" My heart racing, I bolted out of the elevator when the doors opened. Sensing he was right on my heels, I turned to face him by my room.

"Could we talk in your-"

I cut him off right there in the hallway. "Kai, I'm not supposed to talk to you. Tae won't allow it." 

With that revelation I entered my room hurriedly and closed the door in his face, slamming it but not meaning for it to be so dramatic. I knew talking to him was a bad idea but it felt silly giving him the cold shoulder.

When I felt the door push me forward, I realized Lisa was back from class. As soon as she entered, the look of shame she had on her face told me everything.

"What happened?" I asked carefully.

Lisa flung herself on her bed face down and groaned in despair into her pillow. Turning her head to talk she whined, "I saw JK and his new girlfriend in his room. The door was open."

Joining her on her bed, I sat next to her and patted her back. "And?"

"I- I- stormed in there and took off my necklace and threw it at him and yelled at him," she told me, choking back a sob. "I always wanted to return it to him."

Smoothing her hair down her head, I cringed as I imagined the scene straight out of a soap opera. "Oh...you went psycho?"

"Yeah, I screwed up," she admitted, her eyes glistening.

"It happens to the best of us," I sympathized. "Do you want to go get some cronuts?"

Lisa sniffled, forcing a smile and nodding. We both climbed off her bed, ready to put on our shoes and leave to get our favorite dessert. When I got an alert of a call, I answered my phone as I grabbed my jacket off the hook in the closet.

"Hi, Tae!" I said cheerfully.

His voice on the other end sounded tired but he shared that he was on his break and wanted to see what I was up to. When I told him it actually wasn't a good time, that Lisa and I were on our way out, he was quick with a question.

"Who else is going? Anyone from the floor?" 

There was a hint of irritation in his voice but I answered him calmly. "No. Just me and Lisa. She needs some cheering up."

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