We have our family again

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Last week, I accidentally updated a chapter that shouldn't be updated, so let's pretend that the ones that saw the chapter didn't see it. 😉 *coughcough thosecamrenfeels, PrettyLittleLiars89, dijahobbs, Redginger1234 AND EVERYONE ELSE coughcough* 😂

love you guys😘😘


"Why are you dating Chloe's dead brother?"

My stomach dropped when I heard Courtney say that, and if she knew, Chloe knew. Okay, yes I was dating Raymond, Chloe's dead brother, but I had my reasons.

"H-how do you know that?" I asked her.

Courtney rolled her eyes, "God, Alison, you are such a bitch." She snapped ignoring my question. "How long have you known?"

I looked down at my hands, "A year." I mumbled.

Courtney threw her hands into the air, "A year, Alison!" She screamed. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

I quickly stood up from the bed and got in front of her. "I did it for Chloe, Courtney! Everything I did was for her!" I fired back.

Courtney gasped and placed her hand over her mouth, "Oh my god, you really are obsessed with her."

I rolled my eyes and sat back down on my bed, "I'm not obsessed... I'm just protective."

Courtney opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it. She turned around and went towards the door, but turned back around. She did it over and over, and I knew she was pacing.

I placed my hand in my forehead, "Courtney, stop." She ignored me and kept moving. "Courtney, stop!"

Courtney finally stopped and looked at me. "She's crying because you knew about her brother."

"Then let me speak to her." I snapped. I quickly stood up again, but Courtney pushed me back down to my bed. "What the hell?"

"As of right now, Ali, she doesn't like you." Courtney paused and sighed. "Tell me how he's still alive, Alison."

I sighed and took in a deep breath, and told her how he was still alive.


I texted Raymond a few minutes ago, telling him to come outside to the backyard, and he still wasn't here. I was starting to get worried. I knew that today is the house would catch on fire, but I didn't know when, so I had to get him out. He was the closest thing to Chloe and I need him to get leverage.

Finally I heard the backdoor open and I felt a thousands pounds lifted of my shoulder. I moved away from the bushes and saw Raymond.

He gave me a confused look, "Vivian? What are you doing here? I thought you left town."

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him far away from the house then turned to him. "I need to get you out of there." I told him.

Raymond still looked confused, "Why? What's going to happened?" He asked me.

"I think-" Suddenly a loud 'boom' echoed throughout the air and shook the ground. I looked back at the house, which was already covered in flames. Raymond looked back as well and his eyes widen, and began to run back to the house. I quickly grabbed his arm, "Raymond, no! You can't go in there!" I screamed.

He faced me, "My family is in there, I have to save them!" Ray fired back.

I quickly thought about something else, something to keep him from going back inside. "Your little sister, Chloe, right?" Raymond nodded and I continue. "She's not inside. I saw her leave the house. If you go back in there and not come back, who will she have, Ray? She needs you."

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