"We find Courtney DiLaurentis..."

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Mrs. Hastings called me to the stand, and my hands were cover in sweat. I keep rubbing them on my dress, but that seem to make it much worst and it didn't help that Mrs. Hastings was pacing back and forward in front of the jury. 

Finally, she asked the first question. "So, Courtney, where were you the day Chloe went missing?" She asked me. Okay, starting out easy.

I cleared my throat, "My girlfriend, Emily Fields, and I were at a friends lake house for Spring Break."

Mrs. Hastings stopped in front of me, "Was it only you two?"

I nodded, "Yes, we wanted to spend the week together alone."

Spencer's mom paused for a second and thought about what she was going to say. "Courtney, can you please tell the jury your past with Chloe?" Shit. Now we're getting into harder questions.

I looked at the jury. Many of them looked bored out of their mind. I gulped, and began to speak. "When we little, we were extremely close same with my twin sister, Alison. All three of us were very close in fact. We did everything together." I paused and through about how I was going to explain the next part. "Until one day, Alison tried to drown me because she was jealous of how Chloe and I were. My parents were going to send her Radley Sanitarium, except something happened, I hurt Chloe on accident."

Suddenly the crowd started mumbling, but Mrs. Hastings waved for me to continued. I took in a deep breath, and continued. "She had taken one of my favorite dolls and almost broke it. I accidentally shoved her and she fell back and cracked her head open. Then I was send to Radley. When our parents got Chloe back, and I was able to come home. I did everything to make up for what I did and we became close again. She forgave me and she accepted me. Then Alison became jealous again. She need Chloe to herself, and that's what she did. She kidnapped Chloe and still has her, not me. After what happened when I was little, I learned my lesson. I spent thirteen years in Radley, for what I did to her and I still regret what I did."

Mrs. Hastings gave me a slight nod, and I knew that I had done good. Mrs. Hastings turned back around a faced the jury again. She continued to speak with them just as a T.V. rolled into the court room, and I suddenly tune into what she had to say. "I have proof that Courtney was in that lake house during the time of the murder and that Courtney did not use the murder weapon or killed Chloe the night she went missing. "


As the T.V. turned on in the court room, Alison suddenly moved from the kitchen and entered the living room. The T.V. showed Courtney and Emily in a bedroom asleep, around the exact time my 'murder' happened.

"What the hell?" Alison asked. "Where the hell were those cameras at?"

I chuckled as the T.V. showed a dark figure, who I believe was Alison, breaking and entering the place.  "Looks like someone didn't double check the house before breaking entering."

Alison suddenly turned to me, "Shut up!" She screamed. Okay, that can't be good. Next the video showed Alison going up the stairs to bedroom that Courtney and Emily were at. She slowly opened the door, and walked to the side of the bed that Courtney was on. Ali went to her nightstand, and Mrs. Hastings zoomed in the video. It was Courtney's ring, and Alison grabbed it and put it into a plastic bag. Then she looked up at the camera, showing her face.

Mrs. Hastings quickly paused the video, "As we can see here, there, is Alison DiLaurentis, taking her sister ring, which was found at the murder scene."

Then Alison's phone went off and it was on the coffee table in front of me. I lend forward and saw it was a text from Nick.

"Are you seeing this?" He asked.

Alison quickly snatched the phone off the table and replied, and since she was standing. I couldn't see what she sent him, so I went back to the T.V.

The crowd there starting mumbling a lot more, and Mrs. Hastings turned to Courtney. "Courtney, would you please tell everyone here about your ring?"

Courtney cleared her throat, "Because Alison and I are identical twins, our parents always got us mixed up when we were little, so they got us rings. 'C' for Courtney and 'A' for Alison. I always tried to wear mine all the time, except when I sleep."

"Could you also explain how Alison would know her way around the lake house?" Mrs. Hastings asked.

Courtney glanced at the jury and then the audience. "In seventh grade, Radley had some financial problems and was going to close. I was able to come home for a few days and I was going to move to another hospital. Until Radley got out of debt and I was about go back, but Alison and I switched places."

"And what happened during the time you two switched?"

Courtney took in a deep breath. "I become friends with people Alison would have never become friends with. We became close and they told me all of their secrets. Then our parents figured out what I did, and we had to switch back. When Alison switched back, she couldn't go back to her old self and had to get ruin of my friends. That's how she knew her way around the lake house."

Suddenly I heard Alison talk to herself. "Come on, tell us about the knife already." I heard her mumble.

Just as she asked, Mrs. Hastings pulled out a photo of the knife that was at my murder. "Ms. DiLaurentis, have you seen this knife before?"

Courtney nodded, "Yes, the next morning I made breakfast and had to us a knife to open the bacon package." She answered confidently.

"What did you do with it afterwards?"

"After breakfast, I had a bad feeling. The one where my gut was telling me something bad was about to happen. So I just put the knife in the sink, and Emily drove me back to Rosewood. Then I found out Chloe was was missing."

Spencer's mom nodded, "Thank you, Ms. DiLaurentis. Now if you would all please face the TV again. I will show you all, when Courtney left the house and how the murder weapon ended up where it did."

The video was suddenly fast forward, where everyone on the room watched Courtney and Emily sleep until the next morning. Around eight, Courtney woke up and saw her cook breakfast. Then around eight- thirty, Emily came down and the two eat breakfast. Once they finished, we saw them clean up everything and left the lake house. Suddenly around ten, Mrs. Hastings put the video back on regular speed. We saw the same black figure from the night before enter the house, and right away everyone noticed it was Alison. Alison snooped around the house looking for something, something that belong to Courtney. Then Ali went into the kitchen, where she saw the knife. Her being a genius probably knew that Courtney used it, so she quickly grabbed the knife and place it into a plastic bag and quickly left the place.

Everyone in the court room was talking now. Before, everyone believe that Courtney really had kill me, but now, they thought Alison did it.

"Order in the court!" The judge called out to everyone while banging his gavel against the table to get their attention. Suddenly the room went quite and the judge looked down at Courtney. "Ms. DiLaurentis, you may go back to your seat." Courtney nodded, and left the stand and went to seat back next to Mrs. Hastings. The judge then looked at the jury. "Have you made your final decision?"


The woman in the front of the jury right in the middle stood up. "Yes, your honor." The woman looked down at the piece of paper. I quickly grabbed Mrs. Hastings hand. My life came to this since piece of paper. "We the jury, find Courtney DiLaurentis not guilty on first  degree of murder."


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