Chapter- 4

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Mgengombi was devouring his food with great enthusiasm and urgency, as if he had been starving for days and this was his first meal in a long time. His teeth tore through the meat with a ferocity that was both impressive and somewhat unsettling. Shula observed his eating habits with a mixture of fascination and concern, whispering to herself, "He's literally a Carnivorous. I've never seen anyone eat like this before." Mgengombi, oblivious to the comment, looked up and asked, "What?" Shula quickly composed herself and replied, "Nothing, just admiring your appetite."

As much as she tried, she couldn't resist stealing another glance at the man with piercing brown eyes. They held a certain allure that drew her in, even though she knew she shouldn't be looking.

His gaze was still fixed on them, unwavering and intense. It was as if he was attempting to peel away their clothing with his eyes, leaving them feeling exposed and vulnerable under his scrutiny.

After savouring their delicious breakfast, they both rose from their seats and headed towards the washroom. While walking towards the washroom, she couldn't resist taking another look at him. But what she witnessed left her stunned and speechless. The sight that met her eyes was beyond imagination, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

He had a huge bulge in his pants but the worst part was that she felt that she was being drawn to him.

Despite her affection for Mgengombi, she could not help but feel a lack of sexual attraction towards him. It wasn't that he wasn't kind, or family-oriented, but rather that she simply didn't feel that spark of desire that she yearned for in a romantic partner. Although she cherished their bond, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

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