Chapter- 6

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As Mgengombi and Shula make their way into the Cinema Hall, they can feel the buzz of excitement in the air. They have been eagerly anticipating the release of Dune 2 for several days now, and the moment has finally arrived. With their tickets in hand, they make their way to their designated seats, which are located in row F and numbered 17 and 18. As they settle in, they can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement for the movie that's about to unfold before them.

Mgengombi fidgets uncomfortably and suddenly announces, "Ne Mama, I need to go to the Washroom." Shula, who is sitting beside him, looks at him sceptically and asks, "But why? Have you washed your hands after eating the breakfast?" Mgengombi, scratching his buttocks, replies sheepishly, "I got to poo." He seems embarrassed by the admission, but his discomfort is evident.

Mgengombi heads to the restroom to cause the entire area to have an unpleasant odour. He spends approximately 15 minutes in there relieving himself. He reaches Cinema Hall twelve minutes after the film begins.

Mgengombi briskly makes his way towards his seat, eager to join Shula in watching the movie. Once he reaches his seat, he greets Shula with enthusiasm and asks, "How is the movie so far?" However, Shula is so engrossed in the film that she barely takes notice of Mgengombi's arrival, let alone his question. "How can I tell you?" she replies absentmindedly. "The movie has only just begun, a mere twelve minutes ago."

Mgengombi, known for his insatiable appetite, asked in a hopeful tone, "Have you by any chance purchased anything to eat?" Shula, with a hint of revulsion in her voice, replied, "You are such a Glutton." Mgengombi, feeling too lazy to get up, acted in a seemingly nonchalant manner and requested, "Could you please do me a favour and go buy something to eat for me?"

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