Chapter 7

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Guys, I will not be updating tomorrow due to personal reasons but do also show your love to my other books as you showed this book of mine.

Happy reading.

Sofia's POV:

I was pacing in my office; my nerves were a complete wreck. The time was moving faster than usual, the time for the meeting was growing closer as each minute passed.

I was anxious, fidgeting with my fingers

"It's going to be fine, sweetheart" Damon trying his best to calm me down but it wasn't helping me at the moment. So, he kissed me, hard.

This time, he succeeds in gaining my attention

He made me sit in my office chair and sat himself opposite to me.

"Everything is going to be okay."

"I know but, I couldn't help but get nervous" I looked down at my hands

Before Damon could continue, my office door flew open.

Lizzie and Josie stepped in.

"Aunt Sof, do you remember what day is it today?" Lizzie asked with a bitch face on, that meant I am in big trouble.

"Of course," I don't.

I looked at Damon for help but he was looking at the ceiling as if it was the 8th wounder of the world.
You trader, I cursed Damon in my mind.

Nobody can save you from Lizzie's wrath now Sof, Dad you better get my room in hell cleaned up.

"Oh, so you do remember that today is the talent show, Josie signed up for?" Lizzie asked again

"Of course, sweetie. I remember" I said. They could see right through me and the fact that I had clearly forgotten about the talent show.

"OK, I forgot about it, but me and Damon are going to come after our meeting with the Mikaelson's" I said throwing my hands up in the air, excepting my defeat.

"Yes kids, me and your mom will be there to cheer you" Damon reassured the kids.

The kids gave us a final look and left for last minute prep.

"Damon, am I neglecting the kids because of the Mikaelson's?" I questioned

"No darling, you are the best Aunt they could ever ask for" Damon answered.

"I think I should surprise them with something. How about it?" I asked Damon

"How about you sing at the Talent show. The kids always look forward to listen to your singing" Damon said

"I don't know Damon; I haven't sung in a really long time" I said

"Never you should doubt yourself for a second, you are an amazing singer" Damon reassured me.

"OK Damon I will, for our kids" I said with a smile on my face.

"Your smile is the one of the many things I like about you" Damon said making me blush hard.

"I love you, Damon"

"I love you more, sweetheart"


After 2 hours:

"They are here" Ric said as he entered my office.

"OK, I can do this" I gave myself a pep talk getting up from my sit and headed towards the door until I noticed Damon wasn't following me

"Why aren't you coming?" I asked curious

"I want to make a dramatic entrance" Damon said. I nodded, leaving to greet our guests.

Me and Ric reached at the entrance of the school gate and I saw the one's I never wished to see ever again, The Mikaelson's Family. 

There was a little girl beside them, it must be Hope. All the Mikaelson's were staring at me as if they have seen a ghost. Shock was evident on their faces especially on the face of a certain hybrid.

I plastered a soft smile on my face.

"Hi I am-" I words were cut off when I saw a certain someone.

"Ko- Kola bear" I shuttered out. 

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