Chapter 13

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Third person's POV:

"I think we should get back to business" Sofia changed her dress with a flick of her finger.

"I want you guys to come into my office for further assistance, Ric" Sofia said and turned to go towards her office.

Entering Sofia's office; Hayley, Klaus and Hope sat on the chairs in front of Sofia whereas all the other Mikaelson's sat on the couch present near the window in her office.

Alaric was standing beside Sofia with Damon sitting by her side. The kids were currently with their grandpa catching up.

"So, Hope did you like the school?" Asked Sofia

"Yes, I am super excited to go to school here," said an excited Hope. While other chuckled at her enthusiasm to go to school.

"To get you admitted, here we need to fill out a form. So, I am going to ask you few questions" Sofia said and Hope nodded understanding.

"Okay, full name"

"Hope Sofia Andrea Mikaelson"

Hearing her full name Sofia let out a small chuckle as she remembers Klaus saying he wanted to adopt a little girl who would just be like her.

"Is there something wrong with my daughter's name?" Hayley said protective over Hope.

"Oh... nothing" Sofia said moving on. While Damon placed his hand on her thigh in comfort, which didn't go unnoticed be the hybrid.

"Date of birth?"

"4 January 2012"



"Species?" Sofia asked

"Original Tribrid" instead of Hope, Hayley answered and all the Mikaelson's look at Hayley with a knowing look.

Sofia let's out a chuckle along with Alaric and Damon clearly knowing that's not true. Jace and Issy were

"OK, moving on. Tribrid as in Vampire, Witch, Werewolf"

To that Hope just nodded clearly embarrassed by her mom.

"So, have you triggered you werewolf curse?"

"Why do you assume that my daughter triggered her curse?" Hayley questioned back, butting into their conversation

Sofia slammed her hand on the desk clearly had enough of Hayley's attitude.

"I can smell werewolf scent from her and I am a vampire. I know when I see a werewolf" Sofia said making herself clear, making Hayley look down in shame.

"I activated my werewolf but it was an accident" Hope said as she tried to cover her embarrassment. She was ashamed for her impulsive decision.

"Hope. Listen here darling, In Salvatore Boarding School no one has to be ashamed of who they are. To live freely and not to be ashamed of ourselves is one of the many reasons why we built this School" Sofia said trying to comfort Hope.

All the Mikaelson's and Hayley was shocked to see Sofia being kind towards Hope.

Damon and Alaric knew that what happened between Klaus and her, she won't let it ever come between Hope and her. Damon squeezed her thigh reassuring her.

All the Mikaelson's looking around Sofia's office didn't go missing by Sofia and Damon especially them looking at their family and wedding pictures.

There was a picture of Jace, Angela and Alec. Where a month-old Angela was sleeping between her elder brothers

The next picture was of Sofia, Angela and Issy. The Mother-Daughter was heartwarming.

There was a picture of Damon, Josie, Lizzie, Alec and Sofia together on a picnic, with warm sun setting down behind them.

The next picture was of the twins, Jace and Issy

There was a huge frame of the Family portrait of Jace, Alec, Angela and their parents Sofia and Damon

What got everyone's attention were the wedding pictures of Damon and Sofia, the two of them were walking down the aisle hand in hand being just married. There was another one where they had shared their first kiss as a married couple.

"Bloody Hell, you are married and You have children's" Rebekah yelled with utter shock and disbelief.

Shocking the Mikaelson and Hayley.

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