Chapter 9

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Sofia's POV:

"On our left is the way to the kitchen, were we have human blood bags and animal blood bags for them who prefer Stefan's vegan diet" I say as we pass through the corridor of the kitchen.

"We have cells for werewolves to change during the full moon and for those who are comfortable, can change at will we take them to the woods for their transforming" I say as we visit the underground cells.

"And you don't have to worry about the safety of the students from the hunters or the locals, half of the forest is under the property of the school. So, no civilians can enter the property." I reassured the parents.

"And for the last place for today we are going to my favorite place.... other than my bedroom and kitchen" I joked which made Hope giggle and the Mikaelson's to chuckle and shake their heads.

"The Stefan Salvatore's Memorial Library" I say as I open the door of the library.

"Wait Stefan died?!!" Rebekah asked in a shocking tone.

"No... I mean Yes. He did die but Bonnie with the help of dead witches brought him back" I explained.

I could still feel that why wanted more explanation than that.

"The library contains book and diaries on every single supernatural creature on Earth. The books around here are donated by Elena Gilbert-Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore. And some of the books here are written by me and our Headmistress Sofia Forbes." Alaric explained further gaining their attention.

"Elena married Stefan?!!" Asked Elijah

"Yes, and they even have a son and a daughter who is on the way. But sadly, they live in LA as they want to live without any supernatural drama in it." I answered Elijah

"Vampires can't procreate. So, how did Elena become pregnant" said Hayley in utter shock

"I know Vampires can't procreate but my grandfather gifted him the ability" I said without looking at her.

Before anyone can bring back the topic about my grandfather I said "Please, feel free to look around, Hope"

The Mikaelson's looked around at the library. They saw the books, diaries, ancient scripts, antique pieces like Elena's necklace, portraits, Bonnie's spell books, etc.

"You have a book in The Original Family, love?" Klaus asked holding the book in his hands, which had The Originals written in blood red font.

"Yes. The Original Family are the very first Vampires on earth and their history, struggles, transformation story, etc. helps the new generation of Vampires to understand the concept of vampirism better." I said looking him in the eyes, whose once familiar blue eyes I had grown to love. I could see the regret in them but happily its too late.

Before I could continue, the door burst open reveling Lizzie.

"Aunt Sof. Josie. Theater. Now" she said panting for air. It looked like she ran a mile.

I look at my wrist watch it showed 4:25 pm. The Talent show starts in 5 minutes. I am late.


"Thank you for your time but right now my niece needs me. I have to go. Ric, here will complete other formalities regarding your admission." I said to the Family and before they could say anything I vamp speed towards the Theater room.

" I said to the Family and before they could say anything I vamp speed towards the Theater room

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