Chapter 11

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Third person's POV:

The crowed was cheering and hooting for once more. The theater room, filled with students and teachers giving a standing ovation.

Sofia's children were surprised by her performance, as their mom rarely sings. Damon on the other hand had tears in corner of his eyes.

He loved Sofia from all his heart, all his life and her confessing her love for him in presence of everyone was an indescribable feeling for him.

It is not that she never said I Love You in public or that she was an introvert but she had said it in front of the Mikaelson's that was a huge surprise him.

Since she has showed her love towards him in public, he also has to do something for her.

All the Mikaelson's including Hayley was shocked and surprised at the fact that Sofia loved Damon but they still didn't know that they were married.

Klaus on the other hand had been having a little different thought, 'What did Sofia just say? Sofia, my epic love. loved with that Salvawhore. Impossible. I will not let him take her. She is mine and she will remain mine. I'll kill him.'

"I knew my daughter always has been an amazing singer. What can you say she takes after her father, Afterall." someone for the audience said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Sofia's eye contact with Damon had been broken, as she recognized the person behind the voice.

"DAD!!" Sofia yelled, her tone was a mixture of surprise and shock.

She launchedherself toward her self into the arms of the stranger.

"My little angel" Lucifer said as he embraces his daughter affectionately. 

"Dad what are you doing here?" Sofia asked as they pulled away from the hug.

"What? I can't even come to meet my daughter on her special day" Lucifer said as if stating the obvious.

"Grandpa Luci" all children of Sofia shouted, running to embrace their grandfather.

"How are you, my little devils?" Lucifer said hugging them all.

"We are great, grandpa" they all said in union.

"How are you dad?" Damon asked coming into view.

"I am good my son" Lucifer answered.

Damon always viewed Lucifer as his dad, the type of father he craved to have all his life. 

Lucifer, on the other hand loved Damon as he always wanted to be loved from his father, because he mended his daughter's broken heart and he will always be grateful for him for that.

All the Mikaelson's were confused and weirdly intrigued by their interactions. 'Why did Sofia and the Salvatore call that random stranger their dad? And the 4 kids calling him grandpa? What the hell is wrong with everyone.'

"Are you not going to introduce me, love?" Klaus spoke and all the attention which was previously on Lucifer, was now shifted towards Klaus.

"Are you not going to introduce me, love?" Klaus spoke and all the attention which was previously on Lucifer, was now shifted towards Klaus

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