Chapter 17

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Hey guys, this is Brooke and i might start co-writing this story. I
came up with the idea for this chapter and Ellie really liked and
she's busy so i'll be writing this chapter and Ellie is editing and changing bits of it


Tris' P.O.V.

Tim lapse* 1 week later

Lately, Tobias has been really distant. It all started after that
really beautiful and romantic date. Whenever I look at him, he looks
away, he doesn't sit with or even talk to the group anymore. I don't
know whats going on.

i love him. I hate to see him like this.


Tobias' P.O.V.

I'm moving to L.A. Nobody knew but I have a youtube channel that I
sing on. Someone discovered and offered me a record deal with Infinite
10 Records. I took it. I need to get out of this town. It holds all
the great memories me and Tris shared, but I guess it was just to good too be true.

I text Zeke saying come over in 3 hours. We really need to talk. The thing is that I won't be here in 3 hours, I'll be on a plane
to L.A. I'm laving a note to say goodbye. It read:

Dear Zeke, Shauna, Lynn, Marlene, Uriah, Christina, Will, Joe and Tris♥️,

This letter is to say goodbye. By now I've already left for L.A. I got
a record deal with Infinite 10 Records. I'm gonna be famous so you'll
see me some time. Here are individual notes for each of you.

Dear Zeke, Shauna, and Uriah,

You guys are my best friends and it hurts to leave but i need to. Im sorry. I will miss you all so much. You were like family to me Zeke and Uriah.

Dear Christina, Will, Marlene, Lynn,

I'm sorry I have to leave. And Christina, be there for Tris. She's
gonna think it's all her fault I left, but it's not.

Dear Joe,

Take good care of Tris. I love her and if you hurt her I will personally hunt you down and kill you.

Dear Tris, the love of my life,

I will never find anyone that I love as much as you. You may not feel
the same way but that's your choice. I will never be in love with
anyone else, I promise.

I saw and heard what you said to Joe on that night I took you out on the picnic date. You two will be good

Maybe someday I'll see you again. Hear your beautiful voice. Look into your beautiful eyes. We only dated a day but the truth is. I've loved you for a long time. Back when we were little and I made you cry. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner. But you have Joe now.

I love you Beatrice Prior, don't ever forget that

By the way, I'm changing my Number so don't even try. Thanks for the
amazing high school years.

-Four (Tobias)

This is it. Goodbye Chicago. Goodbye... Tris

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