Chapter 22

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Tobias POV

Once I'm finished yelling at Zeke, I decide to go find Tris. I start walking down the hall until I hear muffled sobs. It must me Tris.

I go toward the sound and find Tris sitting in a corner sobbing. I run up to her. "Tris what's wrong?" I ask her soothingly. "It's my fault. It's my fault that you did what you did on stage. If I would of just looked up there for a second I would of saw you and things would be different. It's all my fault!" She sobs out. "No Tris it's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't of left in the first place. And I should've known that you would find someone else. I mean just look at you! You're beautiful!" I tell her. I lean in and kiss her.

Zeke POV

If I can't have Four then Tris can't either. I call Jake, Tris' boyfriend.

Phone conversation

Z-hey Jake it's Zeke
J-hey Zeke what's up? Did something happen to Tris?
Z-actually that's why I'm calling. She's awake
J-I'll be right there

Jake POV

Tris is up. I have to see her. All I know is that she got is a car crash.

~~~time lapse~~~~~when Jake gets to the hospital~~~~~

I run in and ask for Tris Prior. "Oh she was just released but you can ask that boy over there. They were talking earlier." I see who she's pointing at and its Zeke.

"Zeke where is she?" I ask him. "Oh she just went over there down the hall" he tells me. I go where he to where told me she was. I find her but I'm starting to wish I didn't. She's kissing another guy.

"WHAT THE HECK!!!!!" They jump apart. "Jake I can explain" Tris runs up to me and tries to calm me down. "OH REALLY I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR WHAT THAT WAS!" Her eyes start to water but I don't care. She cheated on me. The guy she was with comes up to me. "Don't yell at her. You don't know what she's been through. Who do you think you even are?" He says looking me straight in the eyes. "I'm her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend now and she's a bitch" I grunt and stomp away.

Zeke POV

Jake comes stomping out of the hallway. "What happened?" I asked. "Oh you know just the girl I love making out with someone else!" He screams at me and continues stomping away.

I'm so mad at Tris right now. Jake was an amazing guy and didn't deserve this. I need to go talk some sense into that girl. I go through the hallway that Jake came out of and soon find Four holding Tris in his arms.

I start yelling at the top of my lungs "what the hell Tris? Jake is an amazing guy and you broke his heart for what, a little fling. What you and Jake had was real. What you and Four have is just a stupid fling." I raise my hand up and slap her as hard as I can.-

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