9. The bald singer

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Aden was the first city the elf girl arrived at when she left home. She remembered the anticipation-filled excitement she felt then. She liked this noble city where she arrived with naive curiosity and where she joined the Loyalty team.

Now that she was here again, she noticed some things weren't the same. For example, she remembered that beautiful flowers bloomed everywhere, which was true. Still, it seemed like too many of them now, flowers practically covering every patch of free ground, wild roses or ivy climbing on every building wall. After Oner, this seemed like paradise, but she started feeling uncomfortable, and she didn't know whether this feeling came from the fear of meeting someone familiar. So, she pulled the hood of her cloak deep into her eyes and followed the others to the main square, where they were waiting for Nerina, who went to the shop with Dupe.

In the main square of Aden, around the fountain, impromptu performances took place on makeshift stages, or street performers showcased their talents, and onlookers could choose which one they wanted to watch. Most of them stood in front of a goat's platform, peacefully nibbling on hay, and its act was to bleat as many times as their instructor rang a heavy gilded bell.

Our little group watched the goats act for a while; when they got bored, they moved to a relatively deserted area where they could sit down. Here, a bald singer sat in an armchair, staring ahead. They knew she was a singer because it was written on a board that she was the bald singer in fancy red letters. But she didn't sing, just sat, and this fact didn't bother the people sitting in front of her; they sat calmly, chatting, some eating, and only occasionally glanced at the platform to see if anything was changing there.

Sessom also sat wrapped in his cloak, not to be recognized as Aura. Tobi scanned the crowd, nervous about why the others took so long. On the other hand, Keenan noticed a group throwing knives at a target, cheering each other on loudly. At first, he just watched idly, but then he heard someone mention a curved blade. He got up and went closer to get a better view of the events.

"What are the chances that someone would have the same knife as the one we left on the rock?" he asked, returning to sit next to Tobi.

"Where did you see it?" asked the dwarf, turning around.

"They're throwing knives over there," he said, pointing in the direction. "The tall one has it."

Aura also turned around but immediately caught her gaze. "Those are the Loyaltys! I hope they didn't see us."

"Do you know them?" asked the orc, leaning closer.

"Yes, I was among them; the tall one is their leader, Damian. Are you sure it's your knife?"

"I can't be sure, but it looks the same."

Nerina and Dupe also emerged, the half-dragon's wings already visible from afar in the crowd.

"We have bad news!" began the black-haired girl after they sat down with the others. "Where should I start? Let's begin with the good news. Morte visited her and bought a map from her, so he was heading towards the Four Sepulchers, which is a lead for us. However, we couldn't buy a map because she sold the last two yesterday. This map seems to be quite in demand lately. And now for the bad news, besides us not getting a map. Rumor has it that something strange is related to a prophecy. Sol also went there, and now Morte, but the latter didn't come out."

"What's this prophecy?" Tobi inquired.

"It's something like an oracle down there who tells your future. It's hard to find, hence the need for a map, and it's dangerous too; you have to pass trials. It's mainly a custom among noble families for their sons to undergo these trials to prove their worth. Now the prophecy says, if you don't come back from there, you're not worthy, and since Sol came back and Morte didn't, speculation has started that Sol is the rightful heir to the throne."

"That's complete nonsense!" Tobi exclaimed. "I'm sure there's something fishy going on here!"

"And that's not all," Nerina continued. "The best part is coming now. Yesterday, our dark elf was one of those who sold such a map; it perfectly fits the description. She also sold another one to a Loyalty."

Keenan stirred. "So that is indeed my knife!" and he stood up.

"What?" Nerina wondered, but it was too late. Her husband was heading straight for the knife throwers.

Another exciting thing happened: when everybody stood up to see the fighting ones, the singer on the platform got up and started singing a sorrowful song, a strange contrast to the sounds of fighting nearby. But she didn't bother; she sang beautifully and with deep emotion.

Keenan pushed everyone, showing he wouldn't tolerate resistance and wanted his knife. There was nothing to do; his companions joined in except for the two girls. Nerina tried to shout out: what is the point of this? Can't they buy a new knife? And Aura tried to remain invisible, but it wouldn't have helped against brute force anyway.

The Loyalties outnumbered them, and they fought more fiercely. Keenan constantly tried to pull his knife out of the target, but someone always jumped on his back to distract him. The crowd gathered around them, watching them like an attraction. Besides the two girls, a tall, dark elf appeared.

"What are these guys doing?" Elgatto asked.

Aura almost fell back in surprise, although she wanted to hide this reaction: "Keenan wants to get his knife back."

"Oh, I see! Would you hold this for a bit?" he handed his cloak to the girl and walked into the midst of the fighters.

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