13. The canyon

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As the morning sun rose, unease and anticipation filled the air. The campsite near Goddar, their last refuge, was about to be left behind. The looming canyon, a gateway to the unknown, awaited them with its wild nature and ancient sepulchers, harboring untold dangers and surprises.

Dupe returned from the lake, now human, carrying water to extinguish the fire. He held a ring on a gold chain and said, "I found this on the shore; is it yours?"

Elgatto nervously reached for his neck. "It's mine. It must have fallen out of my clothes yesterday... thank you!" He thanked the jewelry and hung it around his neck, carefully tucking the ring under his shirt.

Nerina gathered the remnants of breakfast next to the elf girl. When she saw Aura's sad look, she stroked her arm reassuringly as if to continue yesterday's conversation and express her sympathy for the girl. They exchanged smiles, and Aura felt deeply grateful for their bond, which made her feel less alone in this challenging journey.

Sessom helped extinguish the fire, and when they finished, he looked around to see if everyone was there. "Listen, I've been thinking about something since yesterday." He sat down on a stump and slowly began his speech. "It occurred to me that what we're doing is very brave, freeing Morte, but the world needs to know what's happening, what Sol has done. That's why I thought I'd return and find the Morte supporters. If he returns, he'll have an even bigger battle to fight at court against Sol."

"Perhaps you're right, but this task could be far more treacherous than venturing into a catacomb and unearthing the heir to the throne," Tobi countered. "They're already aware of your identity at court; if you dare to show your face, they'll be on your trail."

"I have friends. It's clear who I can trust and who I can't. What worries me is that Sol's men are probably following us. They'll be waiting for us at the canyon's end, the only entrance to the sepulcher." Sessom idly twiddled a twig in his hands.

"I've been thinking about that too; if they want to ambush us, that's probably where they'll be waiting for us," Keenan said. "And I already suspect who Sol entrusted with our search..."

"Loyalty..." Aura replied as if to herself.

Sessom stared at the elf girl for a long time. "Yes, I think they are the ones. The knife stunt wasn't fortunate, so they already know exactly who you are. I worry about you. If I don't go with you, you'll be fewer..."

"I don't think you need to worry!" Elgatto replied. "They didn't defeat us in the fight; we'll be fine!"

Tobi stood up significantly. "Sessom, I think you're seeing the situation clearly. Finding Morte won't accomplish anything alone; it's not enough to expose Sol. You need to go and pave the way for him. I believe we'll be enough. The six of us are strong, and nothing and no one can stand in our way!"

"We can only hope Morte will hold out until we get there," Nerina worried. "Is there anything to drink and eat?"

They bid farewell to Sessom, admonishing him not to act heroically under any circumstances, only to convey information and gather as many Morte supporters as possible.

Their path toward the canyon wound through a dramatic transformation landscape. The once vibrant foliage of the trees and bushes gave way to sparse, desolate vegetation, and the sight of grass became a rarity. Patches of white rocks and stones jutted out from the ground, starkly contrasting the lush greenery they had left behind. This part of the empire, hidden and untouched by human presence, was a testament to the wild, untamed nature of the world they were about to enter.

The towering canyon rocks loomed ominously in the distance, their sheer size and ruggedness a stark reminder of the peril ahead. As they drew closer, they noticed more small circles made of stacked stones or ground plants worn in spiral shapes, a mysterious sight that only added to the sense of foreboding. The air grew heavy with anticipation of what lay beyond, and each step echoed with the thrill of the unknown.

Suddenly, the bushes and trees wholly disappeared, replaced by rocks about one and a half to two meters high, showing signs of human intervention rather than being formed by nature. Some had eye-shaped carvings, and as these drawings became denser, they knew they were warning signs for some reason.

The canyon's rocks were much grayer up close, covered with moss-like vegetation, giving them a grayish-greenish hue. Some stones even had thin trees or shrubs growing out of them. This landscape was so different from what they were used to; they felt like their human forms were dwarfed by the immense natural formations.

"How will we find our way through this labyrinth to the sepulcher?" asked Nerina.

They stood at a crossroads, the path ahead splitting into two. Their decision could determine their fate. 'Which way should we go?' Nerina's voice was filled with uncertainty, mirroring the tension in the air.

Elgatto placed his backpack on the ground. "I remember the canyon was on the map, not just the branching chambers of the sepulcher catacombs," he said.

While the dark elf studied the map, Dupe flew up to inspect the place from above.

"What do you see?" Aura shouted when she saw the winged creature gazing into the distance.

Dupe descended: "There are just rocks as far as the eye can see and vultures circling further to the left. Nothing else in sight."

Tobi, Elgatto, and Keenan were engrossed in the map when they saw Dupe land and called him over.

"Look here, to the left. See?" Tobi pointed his finger at the map. "You fly up there and see if you can spot Loyalty ahead of us anywhere."

"But be careful not to be noticed!" Elgatto warned.

Dupe studied the map for a long time, then took off and disappeared from their sight. The others continued their path on the ground, heading left. In the distance, hyenas howled.

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