24. Final fight

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"You have something we need, which you are unduly keeping!" Morte's voice was relentless and pressing.

The cold, damp air of the Sepulhers weighed down on them as they faced the bad-looking figures of the Loyalty group. Weapons glinted in the dim light, and tension crackled like electricity in the air.

Everyone was ready to clash at any moment. But Morte stepped forward, his jaw set. "We will not shed more blood than is necessary," he declared, echoing off the stone walls. "Let's settle this between the leaders. Two against two."

Damian, the imposing leader of the Loyalty group, let out a mocking laugh, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Fine," he growled, raising his blade in a menacing stance. "But don't expect me to hold back. This fight will be your last."

The clash erupted with a ferocity that filled the ancient crypts. Morte and Damian, their swords a blur of deadly steel, danced a macabre waltz of life and death. Morte's strikes were swift and precise, each one threatening to end the battle. Damian, however, was a formidable adversary, his defenses impenetrable. The air was thick with tension as the two leaders circled each other, their eyes burning with determination and ruthlessness.

Morte satisfied the grumble and moved first, a flash of steel as he lunged forward with calculated precision. His sword sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, aiming for Damian's free arm. But Damian reacted quickly, parrying the blow with a deft flick of his blade, and the clash rang out like thunder in the enclosed space.

The two warriors stepped deftly on the stone floor, blending speed and skill. Morte's movements were fluid and graceful, resulting from years of training and discipline. Every strike was deliberate, every parry precise as he tried to find a gap in Damian's defenses.

But Damian was no less formidable, his attacks fierce and relentless. With each swing of his sword, he sought to injure Morte, his strength fueled by a deep desire to win. Their swords clashed repeatedly, the sound echoing off the ancient walls.

As the battle raged, both Morte and Damian showed signs of fatigue. Sweat beaded on their brows; their breath hitched as they fought on with unyielding determination. Their swords became extensions of themselves, moving with a fluidity and precision that belied the intensity of the fight.

Their comrades watched with bated breath, their eyes darting between the two leaders. Every move and every hit can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Blood dripped from the wounds as the battle raged, staining the cold stone floor beneath their feet. However, Morte and Damian continued to fight, their determination unyielding. Despite the exhaustion weighing on them, none of the leaders showed any sign of backing down.

And then with a deft move, Damian stabbed Morte in the side, everyone yelping loudly. However, as the loyal leader took a triumphant step back, he didn't expect it, but Morte delivered the decisive blow, his sword striking his heart with flawless accuracy. Damian staggered back with one last desperate cry, his grip on his sword faltering as he fell to his knees. The battle is over; the winner is clear.

As Morte stood triumphantly, his chest heaving with the effort, his hand was squeezing the blood pouring from his side. The struggle was long and arduous, but in the end, he emerged victorious. And as he looked at his fallen foe, he knew the road ahead would be paved with even more significant challenges. But he managed to save his companions in the end.

"Hand over Aura's bag! With the medal and his notes, and we're not here anymore!" said Elgatto and stood before the Loyalty.

A burly figure stepped forward, "Are you fools? You think we don't know that we're stuck here without the medal?"

"Then let's go out together. This place will be closed forever in just minutes!" hurried Nerina.

They whispered together, and then the previous figure spoke: "We'll go out with you all right if we can leave freely, and we won't be retaliated against for Damian's actions. We've had enough of this haunted, cursed place!"

The door providing the exit was the same as the others, with the difference that there was a small black structure on the wall where the medal had to be inserted. After this, the two wings of the door opened, and a spiral staircase appeared in front of them, going up.

The members of Loyalty moved up one by one while the small group surrounded Tobi, who was fading irrevocably. They didn't say a word; they just looked at the little dwarf who held them together, and because of him, they managed to free Morte. Tobi didn't say anything either; he smiled at them with satisfaction.

After Tobi disappeared entirely, the small team members started up the stairs. As they reached the exit, they felt the air getting fresher and fresher.

And then they got out into the open air, where, squinting, with their eyes used to the darkness, they didn't even see at first that soldiers surrounded them.

They only calmed down when the tall figure of Sessom emerged from the crowd, heading straight for them.

"These are my friends! Leave them alone! Morte! Finally, I was worried that you wouldn't come back!" Sessom greeted everyone.

"Let the Loyalty team go free, we promised!" Morte gave the order.

Dejected but happy with the victory, our little group looked around. They found themselves in a small clearing in the canyon; previously, they may have passed by it but overlooked the sepulcher exit.

Morte was troubled; it seemed that something was weighing on his soul. "I want to thank you for your efforts and help... and because I want you to be safe, we need to separate; I have terrible things to do in Narig. You guys are important to me, and I do not want to lose you like I lost Tobi." after a short hesitation, he continued: "I want you to go to Dion, settle there, take over Tobi's tavern, be the place where I can go home from now on. That is what I thought of to keep you from the crazy things to come."

Elgatto, Keenan, and Dupe were not happy with this decision. They wanted to help Morte in the fight against Sol, but Morte insisted on it.

As the sun slowly disappeared and the soldiers prepared for the long journey ahead, Elgatto and the others also found peace. They accepted Morte's decision but made him promise to visit them every year, just as he had done with Tobi. Finally, the group parted ways. Morte headed towards Narig with the soldiers while the small team approached Dion.

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