Chapter 7

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Niall's POV

I can't keep myself away from Eve. All I want is to be with her, I want her to be mine. Eve is all I can think about throughout my days. I have to tell her how I feel again. I don't care if she's annoyed with me. I just can't live like this. After a while of talking to myself and contemplating I got tired and fell asleep.

~<>~ ~<>~ ~<>~

"Hey babe!" I said to Eve as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Hey handsome!" She said. I kissed her cheek then she turned around to face me. I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back. I smiled into the kiss and we pulled away. I looked into her warm brown eyes that if you looked deep and long enough you could see real flames of  fire in them. I smiled with a light chuckle and couldn't resist leaving a soft passionate kiss on her lips. I looked from her eyes to her soft plump lips. I smiled and pecked her lips. As I leaned back a little to see her beautiful face, she smiled a shy smile. I hugged her tightly not wanting to let her go.

I woke up and my eyes grew wide. Did I really just have that dream?! Wow. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. I checked the time on my phone and it said 4:00 am. Wow. I got out of bed put on sweats and a sweat jacket and shoes then went out the front door to go for a jog and clear my head.

Eve's POV

I woke up at 3:55. It's now 4 am, I don't have work today so that's good. I wanted to go back to sleep, I tried but I couldn't. So I decided to just go for a walk to clear my head and just get a breather. I walked to my secret place. I just sat on the grass thinking and looking at the sky.

After a while I walked back home. When I got there I sat on our porch looking at all the houses and looking at the beautiful sky.

Niall's POV

After my long jog I stopped and took a breath leaning my hands on my knees and kneeling down to regain my breath. As I looked up, the neighborhood I was in looked familiar then I suddenly realized I was in Eve's neighborhood. I didn't know which direction to go to get back to my flat so I just kept walking. As I got closer to her house I saw her sitting on her porch. I could tell she was looking at me to find out who I was. I hurried and hid behind a tree. I know, weird psycho move, but I had no idea the way back to my house and what to do as she spotted me, almost spotted me. So I hid behind the tree, peeking every now and then to see what Eve was doing. She looked troubled, like something was bothering her. But what?

After what felt like forever she got up and went back inside. I turned around and leaned my back against the tree letting out a big sigh. I pushed myself off of the tree with my foot and walked back in the direction I came in, to try and find my way back to the flat.

I finally found the flat and unlocked the front door and walked in, closing and locking the door behind me. I put the key on our key shelf thing and walked up stairs to my room. I closed my bedroom door behind me and took off my shoes, sweatshirt then my sweat pants. I climbed back in bed getting in a comfortable position before sleep over took my body.

Eve's POV

What the heck is happening?! I mumbled to myself as I fixed the covers on my bed. "Do I really like Niall? Or is it just my subconscious playing tricks on me?!" I thought to myself. Once the covers were as they should be I got under them and just laid in my bed thinking endlessly. My mind not stopping so I can get tired and go to sleep. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time--4:50 am. You have got to be kidding me! Really?! Oh my lord!

I scrolled through my Twitter and Instagram feed and watched a Netflix and read a book and I finally fell sleepy. I checked the time--5:30. I turned my phone in airplane mode and shut it off, I put it back on the charger and tucked myself farther into my blankets. I closed my eyes and finally fell into a deep and needed sleep.

A/N: I normally never add Authors Notes to my chapters. But I felt like this one needed one seeing that I haven't posted any new chapters of this book in forever!

I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I just haven't had the motivation to publish or update this book at all. And I've been focusing on other books that I've had the sudden idea and urge to write. It's better to hurry and write the idea down and just follow along with the journey your mind has created for the book so you won't forget it. Instead of ignoring it and just trying to continue the (I'm referring to Propriety when I say this👉) 'recent book you've come to fall in love with as well as the readers have.' Okay anyways! 😂🙌 I hope you have loved or come to love this book as much as I have. Just seeing the great idea I had and it coming out on paper, it coming to life before my eyes and me publishing it and sharing it with you guys. Then just seeing the reads and views it has been getting. It's amazing. Thank you guys so much. I'll hopefully be posting more soon. I already have so many plans in store for this book. So I hope you guys stay tuned for this next chapter. And the chapters to come!😇🙌 (And I hope that I will have the Motivation and Inspiration to write and publish more of the chapters!)

All the Love xoxo -L

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