Chapter 13

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When we got back to my house Niall carried me all the way up to the shower making me laugh the whole way up the stairs. We spent most of the night watching movies and making out. I slept in Niall's shirt with his arms wrapped around me.

When I wake up he's not laying next to me. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and all the things we did last night comes rushing into my head. I smile and head downstairs to make some breakfast. As I go to open the fridge I notice a note magnetized to the fridge. It's from Niall, I smile and read the note.

Sorry, I had an early training session this morning and didn't want to wake you up. There's a shake in the fridge for you. Love you, xoxo -Ni:)

I hold the note to my chest and grab the shake out of the fridge at least I don't have to go through the trouble of making my own breakfast. I walk back up to my room to pick out clothes to wear to work and to meet Jules in. I choose a casual shirt with workout shorts. I take a quick shower and get ready. I straighten my hair and put some makeup on then grab my keys, phone and purse and drive to the cafe to meet Jules. So I can tell her all that's going on with me and Niall. She's been dying to know and Mick won't mind if I come in later than usual.

I buy a cup of tea and sit in a booth as I sip it and wait for Jules to get here.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late it took forever to get a break. So many customers were checking out and they needed as many employees as possible it was like Christmas shopping." She says as she sits down with her cup of coffee.

"So tell me all the details." She says and I tell her everything that's been going on with me and Niall.

Then after a half hour or so we leave and I go to work. As I walk in I lock eyes with Niall. He winks at me making me smile and I run up the stairs to my office.

"Hello Eve!" Mick greets me.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask him.

"Good, just swamped with all of this tournament organization." He says as I walk into hsi office.

"I'm sorry, well now I'm here to help. Anything I could do to take a little bit of the weight off your shoulders?" I ask.

"Yes," He says and gives me a couple stacks of papers.

"If you have any questions just let me know." he smiles.

"You got it boss." I say and walk back to my office to start on all of this stuff.

My phone dings and I look at who texted me. It was Jules.

Jules: I can't believe you guys made out in the shower. How scandalous.

Me: Shut up! Lol

Jules: HEHE

I put my phone back in the door under my desk and really start on all of these papers.

As I finish the first stacks of papers that had to do with the outfits and everything else that fell along the lines of that I hear something fall to the ground with a crash. I jump out of my seat Mick follows and we run to the railing to see what's going on. Niall and Jay, one of the other trainees are fighting. The other trainees were cheering them on at first but then it started to get too heated so they tried to stop the fight. Which wasn't working the way they hoped, but they kept trying. I run downstairs with Mick following behind me. I yell for Niall to stop, Mick yells for them to stop too. But it's not working. I go behind Niall and try to stop his punch but I lose my balance and fall on my arm. I hope it's not broken.

When Niall realizes what happened he stops fighting and Jay falls to the floor. Niall kneels down next to me making sure I'm okay.

"I'm okay, Niall." I assure him with a smile. I look over at Jay, he has a little bit of blood coming out of his mouth and onto his shirt and a busted up lip and eye which has got to hurt. Niall just has a busted up lip and a bruise on the side of his forehead. At least when it comes to the tournament Mick knows Niall will win every round. If Niall hit any harder he could have killed Jay.

"It's just probably going to leave a horrible bruise." I chuckle as he gives me a look and helps me up.

"I'm sorry." He says and runs for the exit.

"Niall!" I yell about to run after him but a pair of hands stops me.

"Just give some time." Harry says and I nod. He gives me a hug and helps the rest of the guys get Jay up on the bench as one of the doctors who's on standby at the gym fixes him up. He checks me to making sure I don't have a broken bone. Thank God I don't! I walk back upstairs to finish the second stack of papers. After twenty minutes I decide to check on Niall. I walk out the door and walk in the direction he ran to. I stop at the beginning of the sidewalk looking to see if he's anywhere in sight and he's running towards me. I smile and I give him a hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yea, are you?" He asks.

"Yeah, I just have a really horrible bruise that really hurts." I tell him. He frowns a little and kisses where motioned it hurt.

"I'm sorry." He says looking at the ground. I put my finger on his chin to make him look at me.

"It wasn't your fault it was mine. I should know that it's never a good idea to get in the middle of a heated fight to stop it." I tell him. He nods.

"You let your anger take over you too. Maybe it's something we work on together." I tell him with a smile.

"Maybe." He says resting his arm over my shoulders pulling me close to give me a kiss on the head.

"You want to go get lunch?" I ask him changing the subject.

"No," He says.

"How about if I order takeout? We can go eat lunch somewhere where it's just us?" I suggest.

"That sounds nice." He says as holds my hand.

"Okay, I'll call." I tell him as we walk back inside the gym. Everyone forgetting what happened a half hour before. When we get to my office I sit in my chair and Niall sits in the chair in front of my desk playing with the papers and staplers that are laying on it as I call Nandos to order our food. When I finish ordering I hang up the phone.

"They said our food will be ready in fifteen minutes." I tell Niall, he nods. I grab my purse, phone and keys out of my door then we walk to Mick's office.

"Hey, we're going to lunch. Can I bring you back anything?" I ask him.

"No, I'm good. The wife's bringing me something." He says.

"Okay, see you in an hour or so." I say and Niall and I walk out of his office. We walk out to my car and drive to Nandos to get our food.

After we get our food I drive to the park and we sit at a picnic table that has an amazing view of the trees, ocean and sky.

"Thanks for this love." Niall breaks the twenty five minutes of silence we were in from the time we left to get our food to now.

"You're welcome." I smile. He kisses my cheek and we start eating our wraps.

When we finish our food he wraps his arms around me and we watch the birds fly around the park and the kids play on the playground and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. It was calming and something Niall needed. Before we left I helped him wipe off all the dried up blood on his lip and hold ice to his bruised forehead.

After an hour or so we grabbed our stuff and walked back to my car. Niall rested his arm around my shoulders and gave me a kiss on my lips that made me almost fall.

When I parked in the gym parking lot I turned the car off and we sat in the car for a few minutes before going in.

"Are you okay?" I ask him sincerely.

"Yeah, thanks again." he smiles. I love that cute smile of his.

"Of course! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't help you out every once in a while?" I smile. He leans in close to me rests his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me close to him as he kisses me.

"Love you." I whisper. "I love you." He smirks and we get out of the car and walk hand in hand into the gym.

He gives me a kiss before he goes to shower and I go upstairs to get to the second pile of the papers Mick gave me. 

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