Chapter four - office dynamics

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I didn't want to go home that night, home feels not like home anymore. As a child, you're blind to see the reality but not anymore. It's so empty filled with unspoken words. I feel so lazy, every time I'm home I just lay in my bed on my phone but honestly what else am I supposed to do? I don't want to go out alone and I'm too tired to even continue watching my show, the focus is lacking. So I end up falling asleep more often than I want to admit, sleeping is just comforting to me. Warm blankets and pillows I can cuddle for however long I need, they won't complain or tell me to stop. If things could only speak or hug you back, like that big human sized teddy bear I own. I really wanted it to squeeze me tight back and give me some warmth, but yeah that never happened.

The following day I arrive at work and head straight for my office, I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone. Hence my father yelled at me earlier for leaving a door open, as if he was perfect. He is just always leaving his stuff lying around but when we do it it's annoying and he gets mad. I sigh to myself and open the computer starting to work. As the day goes on, I drag to go to Miss Arison to tell her that a meeting next week with some clients got canceled due to illness. Eventually, I make my way down to her office though, not wanting to postpone it any longer. I open her door and walk in covering my mood with a smile. "Oh hey Miss Donovan, you look beautiful in that outfit." She says looking down at my outfit before meeting my eyes. I smile genuinely, did my boss just compliment my looks? That's really nice of her. "Thank you, so do you." I return the compliment to her. She really does look pretty, she does wear some make-up sometimes, not that she needs it. She just does it to bring out her green eyes, which are something you haven't seen before, they shine so bright.

"Miss Donovan I need you by my side today, I have this client and I need some help." She says changing the topic back to work, I think she really loves her work here. I mean she is the boss, I'd really like to know her story. Anyways I have to answer her. "Yes of course, is there anything I need to know?" I ask wanting to be a good assistant. "Not really I don't know the client myself but he wants to buy two cars instead of one so I need some help." I nod understanding the situation, when there is a knock on the door.

Miss Arison calls them in and I turn to look at them, it seems like it's the client we have discussed prior. It's a man wearing a black suit, probably in his forties. He has a short haircut as well as a beard both are almost completely grey. I really fear that I don't want my hair to turn grey too early. But this isn't about me, I need to concentrate. So I stand up and shake hands with him introducing myself, his name is Mister Shane. Miss Arison does the same and takes the lead sitting down next to me so we both sit in front of the client. After the first few minutes he makes me get him a coffee, he is special regarding that though. He wants 3/4 coffee really strong, then 1/4 milk with 3.5 percent fat, like I'm sorry but what? I try to make it perfect for him, we don't have that milk at work so I just pretend that I took that. I give it to him and wait for him to taste it, which he does and then frowns. "That isn't what I ordered." He says making me get him another coffee, I quickly walk over to the store and get him his special milk, I'm internally rolling my eyes but it's okay. The client is king, I need to tend to his wishes. I remake his coffee and bring it to him, now he looks pleased and I'm happy that I got it correct.

The meeting goes on and he is really really detailed with his visions about the cars, once he is done he changes a lot of things again. Like he wanted his lights in the car cold white instead of warm white and then he wanted his seats to have a special color which we normally don't sell. But it's okay he'll pay us a lot of money so we can invest some time in him. After two hours of speaking back and forth, he finally is pleased with the outcome, the cars are apparently for his son and his wife. Miss Arison might have taken over and told him to tone it down a bit because he was getting kind of mad that some of his wishes weren't possible. I didn't think my boss would have actually told him off because he's paying a lot but she did.

Once Mister Shane leaves Miss Arison rolls her eyes turning away from the door and sighs slumping down in her chair. "Oh god he's finally gone, he was going on my nerves." She groans rubbing her temples. I stay quiet not knowing what I should do, she looks up at me. "Sorry that he was so picky with his coffee." "No no, it's totally okay. He was an important client so I got to make sure he was comfortable. I mean I did run to the store to get him his milk though." I chuckle. "Oh god really? I'm sorry he was just an asshole. Excuse my language. How much was the milk?" She says opening her purse. "Oh no it's fine." I shrug her off. "Nuh uh you're not gonna pay for this, the company will. I'm used to handling such clients." She says handing me a few dollars, well that explains her annoyance. It's reasonable when you constantly have to deal with those rude old men who think they can have anything they want. I put the dollars into my pocket and sigh.

I roll my eyes internally, I knew she would do this, she just doesn't let me pay for anything. As if I can't take care of that myself.

"It's crazy people actually behave like that." She says going back to the topic. I start laughing and she quickly joins. "I know right? I don't know why they think being rude will help them get anything they want." Our laughter soon dies down and we look into each other's eyes for a few moments before I look away. Her gaze is too strong to hold for longer than a few seconds.

"So have you also got someone who would buy you such things, hmm?" She asks making me look at her again. Wait is she asking if I'm single? Why even would she ask that, okay maybe it's just because we talked about that client. Yes, it must be that. "Oh uh, no actually." I answer her, I mean I don't have anyone, nobody has ever asked me out. "Really? I thought you'd be drowning in guys." She chuckles. Guys? Eww no thank you, they're so disgusting to me. They just obsess over looks but secretly they can't handle being with someone who doesn't listen to their every word. They want someone who they can demand around and not a girlfriend but yeah.

"No actually not." I answer and smile at her. "That's surprising, you're so pretty and smart. I can't believe you haven't got a boyfriend." She says softly. Okay, I can't hear the word boyfriend no more. "I am... I am not into guys." I admit. "Oh dear, I'm sorry for assuming." She smiles at me. "It's totally fine. So my shift is over now, have a wonderful evening. See you Monday." I say waving at her. "You too Miss Donovan, thanks for the help today." With that, I leave the building heading towards my car. Why did she press on my love life so much? She can't mean it like that, she was just being nice. Exactly that's it, she was just being nice Victoria.

Another chapter!! I am pleased with this one:) Remember to eat and sleep babes xx

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