Chapter seven - shared hugs

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I wake up completely disoriented, I look around but I only see the outlines of furniture, squinting my eyes trying to figure out where I am. Oh right the office. Wait what... the office? Oh god no, I start looking for my homework, that's the only thing I can remember doing before passing out from exhaustion.

I don't even want to think about the past few weeks nor the coming ones. They will be more than hectic, I wont have any time to do the things I enjoy or just to relax. Everyday is full with either school or work, plus studying on top. I really don't want to continue this, it's draining me. I just want some peace and my mind to quieten down, that is all I want and need at the moment...

Oh... and on top of that I'm talking to Jade again, I don't even know how that happened. Normally I would be forever mad at her but I can't... She's the only chance for me to have someone I can talk to right now. She even apologised to me a few more times after I forgave her and we eventually became some kind of friends. But I don't really want to think about that right now, it would only make my mind louder.

My eyes start to focus and I can finally look around. But when I do I flinch. Jade is here, sitting in the corner looking over some notes. WHAT- those are my notes... my schoolwork. Umm, why does she have it... no actually, why is she writing something? She isn't doing my homework now, is she?

"Did you have a good nap sweetheart?" I'm already nervous about her sitting there doing my homework and having seen me asleep, and now she's calling me that name. Wow she's really on a trip. "Yes thank you. Is this my homework?" I ask the obvious. "Nope." She replies and finishes writing and sets the papers down in front of me. "Nope?" I repeat.

"Of course it's your homework silly, you fell asleep with the pencil still in your hand. I didn't want to wake you up, since you seemed exhausted the past few days but i also didn't want you to not have your homework finished. So I did it for you." She explains and pats me on the head. "Wait really? Thank you so so much Jade. Thats the sweetest thing ever." I smile at her and go to hug her but I stop since I don't know if she wants to. "You can, it's okay." She nods and I go to hug her.

She is a few inches taller than me and smells sweet. It might be weird I'm taking deep breaths in to smell her but I just can't hold myself back, she smells too good. She rubs her hand up and down my back, this feels really nice. I truly love hugs, it's kind of sad that I normally don't get any. But it's okay, I mean from whom anyway? It's not like I hug my friends or anything. That would just be weird, I mean we are pretty close friends but we never comfort each other, never have and never will. It's just how things are, I've never been that close, never had a best friend. But it's fine I don't know it any other way anyway.

Back to reality, we parted a few seconds ago but I'm still feeling her touch lingering on my back. Her perfume slowly leaving my nostrils, already missing the scent. I want to hug her again so badly but its just pathetic how touch deprived I am, so I just sit back down in my office chair. Jade also walks over to my desk and sits down beside me.

"How come you were this exhausted dear?" She asks studying my face for any upcoming lies. "Umm, I guess school is just a lot. I get a lot of homework from my teachers but it's fine." I shrug turning to pack my bag since it's already past leaving-time. "Look at me." She says in a stern way. I do as she says and look her in the eyes waiting for her to continue. "You shouldn't exhaust yourself like this Victoria, it's not a healthy thing to do. Why are you pressuring yourself so much?" Her tone now softening.

"Jade its just that, the teachers. Ugh I don't even know." I shrug. "No no, what about your teachers?" She asks intriguingly. "They don't really seem to like me nor fairly grade me. It's just exhausting being anxious in class all the time. Im not as extroverted as the others nor do I want to explain my opinion in front of thirty people." I explain trying my best to summarise what I feel about school. "I really like studying, I just don't like talking in class." I add to make my point more clear to her. I really am smart, I'm not going to say I am not because that's just not the truth. Being anxious and under stress all the time just makes it very hard to participate and get good grades.

"Shh it's okay sweetheart, you want to know what I think?" She asks searching for my eyes. I just nod. "In my opinion, you are a really smart and kind person. You always try to understand everything and help everyone. And the most important thing is that grades don't define you. You could be the smartest person in the world and still get the bad grades. Grading is not a fair system, it never was and never will be, because the teachers have their own opinions and expectations. They don't give you a lot of room to learn and experience on your own, they take away your choices. And then they blame it on you because you don't fit in a system they created, which isn't even based on how smart you are. So it's okay, don't pressure yourself so much. Also I noticed your calendar, you have a lot of exams coming up. So I will shorten your working time that you have more time to focus on them." She concludes.

Wow that was a lot, she really took the time to tell me all this. I'm so thankful for her reassuring me it will be okay. And she even was so kind to offer less working time for me to spend more time on getting some stuff for school done. "I really appreciate your kind words, thank you so much for reassuring me. This means a lot to me Jade, also thank you for shortening my working hours for the next few weeks. I'll still try to work harder when I am here though, so I can get enough done." I smile at her in appreciation.

She opens her arms and gestures for me to hug her, I immediately go over and let myself sink into her arms. Her hugs really are the best.

This really is a cute chapter hmm? Maybe they will finally start getting closer? Have a great day babes and remember to eat xx

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