chapter thirteen - intersecting histories

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I ended up mailing Jade my letter, she called me on the phone the next day, asking if she could come visit me in the hospital, and maybe even take me out for a walk. I obviously agreed since I take any opportunity to have some company and maybe because I need clearance. And her. However I didn't tell her that.

It's Friday, the clock on my bedside table shows 12:57pm. The seconds ticking by when there is a knock on my door. I call them in, knowing it is Jade herself. She walks in looking as beautiful as ever, her scent immediately overflows the room, making me feel relaxed. Her body covered with tight fitting dark blue jeans, and a simple white blouse with a few buttons opened, paired with some elegant sneakers. Jade looks truly ethereal even in a simple outfit, it never fails to amaze me.

"How are you, hm?" She questions, her face filled with worry and a hint of tension. Her eyes scan my body for any wounds, unfortunately I'm covered in a blanket, which prevents her from fully doing so. "I'm doing better, thank you." I answer, my tone rather calm and gentle, trying to ease her worries.

She nods and walks closer to me, nodding towards the bed. I immediately understand her request, and scoot to the side to make room for her to sit down too. I'm not scared about what's to come, however Jade looks rather troubled. I'm not going to comfort her though; I have to draw the line somewhere. This is her fault; I'm not going to switch this around.

"I'm sorry, Victoria." She sighs, looking down at her hands in a nervous manner. I nod, acknowledging her apologies. "I'm not going to say that I don't know how this happened. I want to be honest with you and let you decide how you want to move on." She continues, looking up at me again, searching for something in my eyes. I hum, letting her know to start explaining. I don't plan on interrupting her, until she's finished talking.

"The woman you saw in my office, her name is Margot." She starts, the images already starting to flow back into my mind, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. "Her and I have a history, we were together for almost three years. However I broke up with her, due to her not understanding what being there for each other means."

"She is the one you imagine as a party girl, always out attending parties and drinking. She wasn't there most of the time, I accepted that in the beginning since I wanted her to have a life too. I was very busy with building my company anyway, so I thought it would be only for a specific period of time, but I was wrong. Ever since it became less busy, I noticed she would rather go out with her friends drinking than spend time with me."

"Whenever I brought that up she would get upset with me and start to cry. She made me think that she was the victim and that I was totally in the wrong for even expecting such thing. However I didn't want to leave like that, because I knew she had all the gentle sides and amazing qualities, and that's what kept me with her for a little longer. She had me wrapped around her little finger."

"The breakup was messy. She totally lashed out on me, screaming at me, and throwing things at me. She blamed it all on me, that I was apparently not there for her, that's why she hated me and all. I completely ignored her after that, I just went on with my life trying to forget about her."

"But then a few weeks later she comes to my house again, asking for forgiveness. She claimed to be high when we broke up, which does not count as an excuse, but she made it seem that way. I kicked her out of my house, but she kept on knocking on my door, so I allowed her to stay the evening. We talked and she got me drunk, which led us to making out and having sex. After that I never saw her again, until the time when you walked in on us."

"She said that she needed this one time to fully move on and she promised to never return after. So I gave in as dumb as I was. I couldn't stand her coming back whenever she felt like it, I needed her out of my life. I saw the opportunity and took it."

"I never thought that this could hurt you, but I was very wrong about that. And please believe me when I say I'm sorry. I truly am, I'm the one who messed up. If you decide that you'll forgive me, I'll of course will make it up to you the best I can." She finishes, letting out a long breath.

I hum, processing everything Jade just said. So the woman, Margot, was her crazy ex. I understand her point of view and that was something not necessary, but helpful. It allowed both to move on. The timing was just very unfortunate, if only this could have happened before we started talking. It would have avoided all of this.

Right when I'm about to answer, a nurse comes in followed by a doctor for a check-up and possible bandage renewal. Dr. Holt decides it's time for a new bandage on my wrist, making it heal faster with a lighter one. The nurse quickly cuts the old on off my wrist and places the new one, covered with some oil in it, on my wrist. The whole process took about 20 minutes, until they leave us alone again.

Silence erupts in the room, filled with tension. I decide to not make her wait any longer and answer. "I understand all of what you told me, I'm very sorry about what happened between you too. I had a lot of time to think about what happened. And now that you've explained your point, I feel confident in letting you know that I'm able to forgive you. I want to keep what we started building and see where it might go. Our bond feels too special to give up on." I finish, seeing the relief in her face.

"But if we want to make this work, we need to set up at least some ground rules." I continue, with a serious tone of voice. She immediately nods, eager to make us work.

"So the first one is no others. I mean no flirting or kissing or any of that." I begin. "Yes definitely, and I'm sorry again." Jade answers and I just nod. "The second one would be we talk it out, whenever we have a problem we will talk about it. And the third one is that we don't lie to each other, I value honesty a lot." I finish, feeling a little better now that we have talked about it all.

"I couldn't agree with you more. I hope you know how much you already mean to me, Victoria. There's just a feeling I have about you, ever since the first day." She replies, looking at me sweetly. "I'm glad we were able to talk about it and I'll make sure to treat you in the best way and make it up to you. You're a wonderful person and I want to take this slow with you to do it the right way." I smile, my heart starting to beat a little faster and a crimson shade fills my cheeks. "Aww, look at you all red. You truly are adorable, Victoria."

So Victoria finally got clearance! Isn't that a relief. However I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to eat xx

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