Chapter fourteen - whispered confession

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Jade's long legs hidden underneath her dark grey suit pants, which fit her oh so well. Her upper body covered by a tight blouse, showing enough cleavage for one to drool. Though it's kept near her usual business clothes, it's just simply too hot today.

Her whole demeanour kept serious and businesslike, making her seem even more dominant and attractive. She approaches me as she fixes her glasses on top of her nose, this only adds to her timeless charm.

"Good Morning Miss Donovan, I'm happy to see you back at work. It's been a while, but I'm glad you were able to rest." She greets me with a soft smile plastered on her face. "I'm glad to be back." I return chuckling, having missed her.

"How are you, Victoria? It's been so boring without you here." She says in an exaggerated way, sitting down in my office. "I'm better now, hence why I am back. Though I am way more excited being here than back at school. How have you been?" I answer her original question.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Victoria. There is something I haven't told you yet because I was scared. However I do not want to make any mistakes ever again, so I will tell you." She begins, rubbing her temples. I furrow my eyebrows not exactly knowing what she is talking about.

"I have no idea whether this is a dealbreaker for you. Just know I will ask any questions and give you time to think. Whatever you need, just let me know." She continues, looking up searching for my eyes. I nod still confused about all of this.

"If you ever decide to fully continue this," she gestures between us with her left hand, "then you must know that I don't come alone. I know I should have told you this way earlier, but none of the moments seemed like the right one."

Her gaze meets mine once again. "What do you mean, Jade?" I reply not exactly understanding where she's getting at.

"Look I really like you, Victoria. However you're still so young and what I'm about to say will most likely scare you off. It's a lot of responsibility, not that I will put that on you. But there's still a lot that comes with it." She speaks switching the direction of her speech towards me.

However the little silence starting to engulf us is already broken by her again. "She's a sweet girl, very well mannered though a little shy." Jade nods to herself, as if she approves of what she just said.

I still don't get it, I just am too perplexed to think about what she's saying. Sensing my confusing she adds. "I have a daughter."

Oh... now it's all starting to make sense, the responsibility thing and all. Wait, she has a daughter? How did I not know this?

Picturing Jade as a mother is somehow weird now, not that she wouldn't be a good mother. Oh hell she would be a fantastic one, knowing how well she cared for me.

Jade looks at me intently, which makes me pull out of my train of thought. "Oh wow, uhm I don't know what to say." I begin unsure and still a little confused.

"That's okay." She takes my hand in her hands. "Is this okay? If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me."

"Actually yeah, what's her name and how old is she?" I inquire, my mind too curious to hold back. "Adeline is three and a half years old." She answers my question directly.

I nod processing the fact that Adeline is still a toddler. "Who is the father?" I hesitantly ask.

She looks down almost like she's ashamed about it. "Look you don't have to tell me who it is, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I reassure her, squeezing her hand.

"No it's okay, I don't really know him. As in, I went to a bar and things got heated. A few weeks later I realised that I was pregnant with my wonderful daughter." She answers, squeezing my hand back.

"So no past husband?" I scrutinise to make sure. "Positive, no past husband." She smiles at me, finally being more like herself again.

"How do you feel about all of this, Victoria?" To be honest I'm still very shocked at the fact that she even is a mother. I don't judge her for the way she got pregnant, honestly it's better than a relationship. Not that I would be jealous or anything. "All I can say right now is that it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me, though things might be a bit slower now. But I'm sure you'll understand?" I finally speak up, making it sound more like a question.

"Of course I understand, Vicky. I'll take this as slow as you want us to." She replies with the most genuine tone. I smile at her, trying to not make it seem like I'm blushing. "Thank you, Jade. Though I must ask, can I see her? I'm dying to know how Adeline looks like." I say overly excited at the idea of a little child now.

Jade just laughs and nods. "Come on up, let's sit down at the couch." She pulls on my hand, making me follow her. We sit down very close, shoulders and knees touching. It feels intimate but in a different way, I like that.

She pulls out her phone, opening her camera roll. "Aww look, that's a couple of days after she was born." Adeline's wearing a cute little body with a giraffe printed on it. "Aww, how cute." The next few pictures are of her either sleeping or playing with toys. She seems like a very sweet and calm baby.

Soon we are at the last picture of her, she's eating ice cream and some is dropping down her chin. Adeline's truly adorable.

I notice that it's already dark outside, time passed by quicker than we expected.

Jade sighs softly, her fingers threading through her hair, a mesmerizing motion that holds my gaze. I sit here, captivated by her beauty, unable to look away.

Before I can fully grasp the moment, she leans in slowly, her eyes filled with adoration. "May I kiss you?" She whispers, her voice a gentle caress.

"Yes, you may," I reply, my voice trembling with anticipation.

She closes the gap between us, her soft lips meeting mine in a slow, deliberate kiss. Our eyes flutter shut as the world fades away, leaving only the warmth we share. The cold air of the room dissipates, replaced by the heat of our embrace.

All I can feel are her hands on my waist, her lips on mine, their softness overwhelming. Our rhythm is tender, a dance of breaths and gentle touches that leaves us breathless. We pull back, foreheads resting against each other, the only sound in the room our deep, synchronized breathing.

Jade opens her eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I've wanted to do that for so long." She murmurs, her fingers gently tracing my jawline.

I smile back, my heart swelling with a warmth I've never known. "Me too." I confess, my voice barely above a whisper.

In that moment, everything feels right. The world outside ceases to exist, and all that matters is us, together. With our foreheads still touching, we share a quiet moment of pure contentment, knowing that this is just the beginning of something beautiful.

I absolutely love how this chapter turned out, though I must say that the kiss wasn't planned. But it's always better when it's not planned, right? It makes it more special. Also I've never written a kiss scene before, I hope it's okay! However have a wonderful day and don't forget to eat xx.

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