Chapter 1: The Beginning

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As Daniel sets out on his pokemon journey, he runs into some new friends named Ken and Arcan. As they leave Pallet Town, they stop in Viridian City and pick up a package for Professor Oak and deliver it back to him. "Thank you for picking up this package for me. This will come in handy," Professor Oak says with a beaming smile. As Daniel and his friends leave the lab, they had their eyes set on the Viridian City Gym.

When they arrived at Route 1, they discovered that there were wild pokemon to be caught. As they were catching pokemon, they didn't realize that they were getting closer and closer to Viridian City. They arrived in Viridian City and decided to heal their pokemon at the Pokemon Center. Once all of their pokemon had been healed, Daniel and his friends set out for the Viridian City gym. When the group had arrived, Daniel pulled on the door only to realize it was locked. "Hey guys, I think the gym is locked," Daniel says to the group.

Ken then pipes up with the sound of death in his voice "It would appear so. What do we do now?"

"We could ask around and see what's going on with the gym," Arcan says quizzingly.

"That's a good idea, Arcan. Why don't we go to the pokemart and ask!" Daniel exclaimed loudly.

They leave the gym and head to the pokemart. "Hey Dan, what's a pokemart for?" Arcan asked with a curious look on his face.

"Why don't you ask Ken that question? He has better answers for that," Daniel said with a mischievous grin on his face.

As Arcan goes to ask Ken the same question that he asked Daniel, Ken looks back at Daniel with a look of contempt. When they gathered more information on why the gym was locked, they decided to head north to Viridian Forest. When they entered Viridian Forest they ran into some pokemon that weren't supposed to be there. "Hey Ken, that Exeggcute isn't supposed to be in Viridian Forest," Daniel said quizzingly.

"You're right Daniel, that pokemon shouldn't be here," Ken said with the sound of his soul being taken from him.

"I'm gonna battle it." Daniel proclaimed with vigor.

"I'm gonna help you with it though. It looks really strong," Arcan interrupted before Daniel even had the chance to throw out one of his pokemon.

As they were fighting this Exeggcute, they had the hardest time trying to come up with solutions to defeat this pokemon. Daniel pipes up "Damn, this Exeggcute is powerful. All of my pokemon are fainted and you don't have any more pokemon do you Arcan?"

"Nope and I doubt Ken has pokemon left either," Arcan gets out in between pants. That Exeggcute was really powerful.

As they were coming up with strategies to take down this pokemon, the Exeggcute made a loud roar that made Arcan and Ken faint. "Well, it's up to me now," Daniel said with determination. With one final kick to the pokemon, Daniel sent the pokemon flying.

Daniel decided that it was time to wake everyone up. He helped Arcan first by using a bottle of fresh water to help entice him to wake up and it worked. He then helped Ken wake up by waving a cup of coffee under his nose. As they woke up, they decided that it was time to head to Pewter City to face off against the Pewter City gym leader, Brock.

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