Kafka Oneshot

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A gentle tune plays in the background as you stare at the pile of documents in front of you

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A gentle tune plays in the background as you stare at the pile of documents in front of you. Lately, you have grown fond of classical music. You don’t where that sudden interest came from, but it is certainly not the worst phase someone can go through. If it were a punk-phase your boss would probably send you home in an instant. You sigh defeatedly. Maybe that would be the better option for today. Why? Well, if you’re sending out high-ranked police officers to deal with a bomb threat in a city where never anything happens because it’s just that unimportant, you can be sure that nobody is particularly thrilled about the whole thing. Way too often had you had a false alarm because some stupid teenagers thought that it would be oh so funny to make a fake bomb threat. The building that was chosen this time isn’t even easy to break into to begin with due to the massive number of cameras and guards. That place is nothing special, it’s just a hospital, but whatever. You are getting paid for this so you shouldn’t complain. Having packed all the things you need, you drive to the hospital with the whole crew. Since nobody wants to cause chaos in a place full of sick people, the mission is meant to be done with a low-profile, therefore nobody from the police is wearing a uniform.

Once you arrive there you place the suitcase beneath the window next to the staff exit, exactly where it belongs. …W̶h̶y̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶?̶

Everyone is assigned a specific sector which they need to guard for the entire day. As the hospital is divided into three buildings, one can imagine how much personal expenses this (highly-likely) fake bomb threat is costing the city. But that’s only on a side note. You yourself are positioned on the first floor of the center building. 

Since there is nothing - aside from observation - to do, time passes horrendously slow. Those two hours where nothing happens feel much more like two days. Only once a man, based on his clothes someone from security, spots you, does your boredom find its end. “Officer (L/N)? You were asked to go to the gates of the south wing.”

Confused, you tilt your head. “The south wing? Isn’t that where the psychiatric department is? Did something happen there?”

“Sorry, I don’t know. I only know that it is something important.”

Sighing, you take your walkie-talkie out of your pocket. “Could someone cover the first floor in the center building for me? I need to check on something.”

You wait a few seconds for one of your colleagues to answer. A male officer does so. “I will.”

With that you thank the man from security and take your leave. It takes you ten minutes to get to your destination. A small group of people are awaiting you there. “Officer (L/N) here, who called?”

A beautiful woman with purple hair steps forward. Her face seems very familiar, but you can’t recall where you’ve seen her before. Odd, when you think about how your heartbeat quickens upon seeing her. “I did. There is a security issue in the basement that needs to be fixed. Please follow me.”

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