Sparkle Headcanons

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• The key-element to attract yourself a Sparkle is to not be entirely boring

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• The key-element to attract yourself a Sparkle is to not be entirely boring. You certainly don’t have to go to the same crazy level as her, but an interesting thought pattern helps. There are so many foolish and dull idiots walking around the galaxy so you don’t have to be one as well.

• Even if she doesn’t do it for the sheer sake of sadism, her behavior around you often comes off as sadistic.

• For example, she likes to put you in ‘interesting’ situations. Those situations can range from you getting publicly embarrassed because things strangely didn’t go the way you wanted them to, to you getting framed for a crime you certainly didn’t commit. It is close to impossible to prove Sparkle’s involvement in any of those events but somewhere in you mind you can guess that she is the one at fault.

• Something that is rather annoying and tricky about this Masked Fool is that she is able to change her appearance. She can almost perfectly mimic someone else and fool the people around her with that act. With this ability she can fool you aa well and infiltrate your life. When she gets close to you while, for example, pretending to be a family member, she has the perfect opportunity to stalk you and get to know you better. Once you discover this circumstance, it might cause you to be a bit paranoid with your future social interactions – you never know if the person in front of you really is who they pretend to be after all.

• Another thing she might do is giving you psychedelic drugs. They help you loosen up a bit and reveal the ‘you’ underneath the mask. Most people struggle to see and unleash their real selves, so that’s where specific drugs come in handy. Even if this isn’t exactly healthy for your body, the knowledge Sparkle gains makes it worth for her.

• All of the previously mentioned points she does solely to mess with you and challenge you. By nature, humans are born in a stiff mold and Sparkle will happily help you to break out of it. Free from social restraints you will have an easier time understanding her and the Laughter. With that she is one step closer to becoming your girlfriend…

• Sparkle isn’t very kind with her words either. As we have seen in the main story, the Fool can get quite creative with nicknames and getting under someone’s skin. If she is bored or has something to criticize about you, she will tell you so in the most provoking way possible. The direction she nudges you this way isn’t necessary a bad one but the rudeness with which she does it isn’t exactly ideal for your psyche.

• Amongst her derogatory words there are also helpful information and tips. Unfortunately, she doesn’t give them to you just like that. They are hidden in abstract riddles. As frustrating as that is, I advise you to listen to her words closely – you never know how important her information might be. Perhaps her true feelings for you are revealed this exact way. If you are smart and attentive enough to solve her riddle you will finally get the answer to why she stuck to your life like a leach – and if not that’s entirely your problem.

• Sparkle doesn’t have a major issue with you engaging with other people. In fact, she encourages it. When you talk to others, smile at them, maybe even get into a romantic relationship with them – all of these things oh so perfectly enrage her and make her boil with jealousy. She hates it how you enjoy your life without her. So why would she encourage such interactions then? Quite simple: What is a drama if there are only two actors on the stage? That’s right, it is boring. To make a play interesting you need plenty of actors, dynamic relationships and a good plot. No matter how much it riles her up, she needs to let you wander around the world to later pull you back to her and earn her desired prize.

• Despite that she doesn’t shy away from killing someone because of you. It is one thing if others normally interact with you while playing their role, but them deviating from the script is an entirely different topic. If they hold you back from understanding the Laughter, they sadly have to leave the stage forever since there is no space left for foolish people like them. Don’t be sad about the loss, Sparkle is here to fill up that bleeding hole in your heart <3

• After all the abuse and pain you have suffered because of the Masked Fool it would be reasonable for you to despise her. You want nothing more than her choking on her own blood and disappear from your life? Gladly will Sparke entertain that thought. She will create a scenario where she becomes the victim of a murder, giving you hope that your suffering finally has ended, only to reveal that she is still alive at the very end, thus shattering said hope. The underlying message is that the girl is a fixed part in your life and you won’t ever get rid of her until your very last breath. When this realization sets in you will be so despairingly devastated that your mind will have semblance to a broken vase (if it wasn’t already beforehand). But don’t worry, Sparkle will do her best to rebuild you – to her own liking of course. Once she does that you two will finally be able to stand on the stage of life as equal actors.

• Overall, I would give Sparkle an 8 out of 10 on the yandere scale. Her eccentric and passionate character shows in all the worst ways when mixed with obsession.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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