Dr. Ratio Headcanons

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• To catch Ratio's attention you don't necessarily need to be smart

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• To catch Ratio's attention you don't necessarily need to be smart. Sure, it wouldn’t be bad, but it isn’t what you already have that attracts Raito – it is the potential for growth you possess. With this you have the perfect preconditions to become his ideal student, whether you want it or not.

• As time passes by you will become more and more a core part of the doctor's life, not only as a student but also as someone he has an emotional attachment to. Ratio is one of the few yanderes who gains awareness of the extremeness of his feelings. Despite the fact that Ratio recognizes that his fixation on you has developed into something cancerous, he decides against removing the cancer and therefore does not distance himself from you for the greater good. He is very rational and pragmatic at heart, but in the end he is still only human. Without you, there would be something missing in the grand puzzle of his life - he would be one step further away from the truth he seeks. So why should he compromise on his ideals just because something doesn’t fit the definition of normal? I mean, in the end, there is something you too can profit from.

• Ratio has plenty of students listening to his every word, but you have a special place in his heart. He plays favorites with you, at least in his own way. Normally, one would imagine that you let those who you like slack off a bit. In Ratio’s case, the opposite matches reality. The doctor is already known to be on the stricter side of things, but with you he reaches a whole new level. Every day he pushes you one step closer to the - in his eyes - ideal version of yourself.

• Since you are his darling you can expect to get plenty of private lessons. Those lessons are meant to challenge you and broaden your horizon. To have some way of picturing it, you can compare those lessons with the small chaos Ratio once caused on Herta’s Space Station. He creates a problem and you have to solve it. As you can imagine this can become very stressful for you from time to time, but your teacher won’t take pity on you. The truth can’t be acquired easily, therefore you have to go through this to truely grow. Only if Ratio notices that you are close to your breaking point will he stop pushing you.

• Just as with everyone else, the doctor doesn’t bother to phrase his opinions in a nice way. If he is disappointed with your choices or your reasoning, he says it bluntly as it is. Since he always gives you advice on how to improve, his criticism is technically constructive, but the unsweetened truth hurts nevertheless. Being used to harshness, a praise will be received all the better. The hopes of a reward when everything else stings can make some people eager to please. You will try your hardest to live up to Ratio’s expectations and are easier molded into the ideal form he envisions for you. In some sense it has resemblance to a carrot-and-stick approach. Originally this wasn’t his intention, but he certainly won’t complain.

• What happens if you step out of line or make mistakes that need more than some scolding for punishment? Well, you can expect your tasks to either triple or to become even more arduous than they already are. If you are a social person who wants to talk to others often, Ratio might also resort to ignoring you for a certain period of time until you apologize to him and/or fix your mistake. Due to Ratio traveling allot there probably won’t be anyone familiar willing to listen to you other than the doctor. Either way, something you won’t have to expect is physical punishment or a task that bears a high risk of hurting you. Ratio has no interest in endangering your precious life or damaging your natural beauty. The worst thing that could happen along the lines of physical punishment is a light hit with a book on the back of your head as a warning.

• Words and actions that show his love for you are rare to find with Ratio. In his eyes, such a symbolic display of affection holds little actual value since it changes nothing about the truth. Of course, if you ask him why he acts the way he does towards you, he will answer honestly. With a further developed romantic relationship he will also take requests from you. As long as those requests aren’t absurd he will gladly do them for you.

• His preferred way of spending time with you outside of his lessons is when you sit next to each other in peaceful silence. Bonus points if you have accepted Ratio as a permanent part of your life and let your head rest on his shoulder. Even those with a great mind like him need a break from time to time and the best possible break is with you – the most important person in his life. Depending on the progress of your relationship he might also invite you to join him while relaxing in a bathtub.

• Despite the lack of self-initiated affection, Ratio can be surprisingly protective. Be it when somebody is rude towards you or when you get attacked by a monster, the doctor will immediately come to aid you and put the other person/monster in their place. He doesn’t expect you to be strong on top of all the other things he demands of you. Somewhere deep inside, Ratio likes to protect you, too. The feeling it causes in his chest is fairly pleasant and warm.

• Even if Ratio forces you to stay around him and listen to his lectures, he won’t restrict your life beyond that. He won’t take away your freedom through putting you in a cage or something like that as this lack of external stimuli would eventually lead to dullness forming in your mind. Ratio doesn’t outright have anything against you talking to other people, but on rare occasions he might forbid you talking to certain people. Those people are either a) infested with contagious idiocy or b) they want to lead you away from him. Essentially, all can be boiled down to idiocy since only an idiot would dare to take you away from Ratio.

• Overall, I would give Dr. Ratio a 5/10 on the yandere scale. He has his quirks and the necessary intelligence to keep you around, but his high self-awareness and rationality tone down the symptoms of his obsession.

 He has his quirks and the necessary intelligence to keep you around, but his high self-awareness and rationality tone down the symptoms of his obsession

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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