Silver Wolf x Nameless!Reader Headcanons

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Requested by AdrianSaihara

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• Due to the complicated relationship between the Astral Express and the Stellaron Hunters you and Silver Wolf running into each other at some point is unavoidable

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• Due to the complicated relationship between the Astral Express and the Stellaron Hunters you and Silver Wolf running into each other at some point is unavoidable. She knew about you before, but meeting someone in person always leaves a stronger impression. In your case, the impression is a lot stronger than normal. Since it is apparently more or less normal to receive messages from terrorists - if you look at the chat history of the Trailblazer at least - you won't think much of getting messages from the silver-haired girl. It won’t be all too odd to accept one or two invites from her to play online-games either. Those few invites eventually evolve into a routine. There won’t be any harm to having a terrorist and hacker as a gaming buddy, right?

• Overall, the hacker girl is pretty chill towards you. She doesn’t contact you more than a normal friend would, she doesn’t make any suspicious comments and she generally emanates a relaxed aura. Having confidence in herself, she doesn’t feel the need to act desperate around you. Most of your interactions being through a screen helps with keeping up the harmless front as well. This ‘normality’ makes it hard for you and others to detect the underlying danger that lurks in her heart in time.

• Hiding secrets from her is a hard task. Whether it is something from the long forgotten past or a recent fact – as long as it is recorded somewhere in the digital world, Silver Wolf will find out about it sooner or later. Some might consider this cheating, but to the hacker this is a standard and time-efficient modus operandi. Why should she bother to make this ‘fairer’ when pieces of information alone aren’t enough to win you over anyways?

• The point above doesn’t apply to secrets only, but for more trivial matters as well. What has started out of pure curiosity, ends up as a habit she isn’t able to get rid of anymore. Are you online? Are you planning to play a few rounds of that new game with her tonight? Have you taken any photos today? Questions like these swirl around her head more often than she would like to admit, leading to her getting distracted even during her work.

• It Is impossible to block out Silver Wolf out of your life after for example a fight. With merely a few clicks will she be able to unblock herself again and changing your phone or your phone number won’t help either. If you try these methods multiple times, Silver Wolf might start a new speedrun category for herself: 'Getting back into (Y/N)’s life after they tried to cut me out of it.' Her best times would be only a few seconds long.

• One other instance when she would actively abuse her skills is when you are getting romantically invested with somebody else. Then, there is a high chance that messages mysteriously disappear before they were read, that faked misleading messages appear or that your phone starts to act up. Silver Wolf of course doesn’t know anything about this. If you were to ask her where the problem might be, she will just recommend you to get a new phone. Since her methods are pretty effective by themselves, there is no use to physical violence or more gruesome actions.

• Being part of an infamous terrorist group, Silver Wolf has a set of highly-talented people as her colleagues. Due to their offensive approach to deal with problems, Sam and Blade are out of question, regardless whether or not they would have wanted to help in the first place. Kafka on the other hand might help sometimes the silver-haired girl to get closer to you. Maybe Kafka finds it purely amusing how the hacker got invested in something so intensely other than games.

• Silver Wolf – or the relationship between you two – become a well-known problem to the Astral Express. She doesn’t have to be caught in the act of sabotaging or stalking (that would certainly damage your relationship), but the wiser members like Himeko will eventually become suspicious of the hacker and her motives. They will try to warn you about it, yet depending on your personality and the relationship you have with Silver Wolf the warnings might or might not fall on deaf ears. Regardless on your reaction, they will become rather protective of you – fruitlessly as they will see later on.

• Silver Wolf doesn’t stand above kidnapping. If the benefit is significant enough, she will separate you from the rest of the Express crew and take you with the hunters. This whole event isn’t meant to be overly stressful or traumatic, so to you it might seem like a normal meeting at first. You two meet up, go to an arcade, grab something to eat – and all of the sudden you wake up in an unfamiliar room.

• Being with Silver Wolf, she can finally spend time with you in person without any disturbance. Sure, you need to get used to your new surroundings, but after some time you will come around. While the girl is around you can expect plenty of hugs, cuddles and other types of activities that require close proximity. Some part of her simply loves to squish your body and take in your scent.  Personality-wise she is more or less the same as pre-kidnapping and just more blunt about what she knows about you. At this level there is no more point to hiding the true extend of her feelings.

• Overall, I would give Silver Wolf a 6/10 on the yandere scale. She has no regards for rules or privacy though her chill attitude makes her more bearable than some others.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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