Brothers are the worst!!!!

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*Authors Note*

Hello my lovely readers! I would like to thank you for choosing to read my fic! This is my first fanfiction on Wattpad so do not judge if the writing is bad. I am writing this because I was bored and decided I might as well. I LOVE the series Heartstopper (which you can watch on Netflix) so I wanted to make fan-fiction about Nick and Charlie's children. Nick is Papa and Charlie is Dad. In this Nick and Charlie are married and have 2 adoptive children - Oscar (17) and Milla (14). I hope you like the name choices. Milla is named after me. It is a story about Millas love life but will have a little bit of Oscars as well. There will be sexual harassment so if that triggers you I will put a warning in front.

I would like to say a special massive thanks to my BESTIE FOR LIFE! for co-writing this with me. She saw me writing it and grabbed my laptop to see what it was, then insisted on helping (she like me is currently obsessed with Wattpad) Milla's best friend in this fanfic story is based on her. She has not watched Heartstopper so I have to explain it all to her.

The updates in this will not have a particular schedule. They will just come whenever I have something to post.




All I want to do is practice for this concert that is in 3 weeks and he's complaining about not being able to READ???? He reads all the time!

I take off my headphones and pause my playing. His yelling is getting annoying so I might as well make him stop.

I get up and walk through to his room. Our rooms are joined by a thin wall so he's always complaining about not getting any peace.  I don't bother to knock. He's sitting there with a small pastel pink flowery diary. PASTEL PINK FLOWERY DIARY!!!!!!!!! That's MINE! He looks up and smiles evilly. I glower at him.

"Can't wait to show this to dad and papa." He twirls it around in his hand examining the cover. THAT'S IT!  

I lunge forward and attempt to grab it from his hands, he dodges and holds it away. I lean forward again and he stands up on the bed holding it above his head. CURSE MY SHORTNESS!  

With a change of tactic  I aim a kick at his shins and he topples off the bed, still clutching MY diary. Realising this isn't going anywhere I make a tactful retreat to the stairs and yell at the top of my lungs,

"FATHER! DAD! OSCAR WENT INTO MY ROOM AGAIN!" I hear tired groans from downstairs and a bored voice calling

"Oscar, give back what you stole. Milla apologise for any injuries Oscar has obtained." I sigh and hold out my hand to Oscar who has appeared behind me. Groaning he hands it over and I turn on my heel and flip my hair. I dunno, I'm feeling sassy. I hear a truck outside and run to the window. 

I see a moving van and in front of it is a red car. The door is open and  a boy with brown hair and blue eyes (I'm on the ground floor and his car is pretty near so I can see the colour) He's attractive in a way I guess but I don't really care.

I hear my dads calling me so I bring my head back inside. 

(Time Skip to During Dinner)

At dinner I mentioned the new family (I'd only seen the boy but I guessed they must be a family) to my dads and brother. Father says we can see them the next day and I try to hide the fact I'm excited. I'm not usually into meeting people but I was excited to learn about who the boy was. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HIM? He's a boy I saw for like half a second I should NOT be thinking about him. I SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT UNDER CIRCUMSTANCES BE THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stab my fork into the lasagne with a little more force than needed. Food takes my mind off boys. At least, I hope it does.

*********Time Skip*********

The next day I woke up to people shouting outside. Moving people. The new family! THE NEW BOY!!!!!!!!!! I remember we're meeting them today and I'm instantly awake. I get dressed faster than you can blink (navy tights, cute top and knee length skirt. I leave my hair down but tie in a pastel pink ribbon my bestie had given me a few years ago.) I shove my glasses on and run downstairs. I dash to the window.

"Someone's up early." My dad says. He's sipping his coffee and leaning against the counter. I make a face at him and go back to looking out the window. The new boy is outside with another boy, who looks like an older version of him. I guess he has a brother. Or a cousin look-alike. Or a very short father? I guess I'll find out.   

I'm dragged away from the window by my dad but I glance back at the boy. He's seriously cute! I CAN'T wait to meet him.    

*Authors note* 

Word count:  654

Chapter lengths will vary depending on how much I feel like writing. Do not expect updates to be very frequent but I do not plan on discontinuing this.

Today is the first day of the holidays so I should have quite a bit of time to write but when school starts then they will not come as often.

Once again THANK YOU TO MY BESTIE for being so brilliant.


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