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I arrived at Milla's house only 2 minutes late. She and I had been arranging our sleepover for around 3 weeks.

I let myself into her house (I have a key because I'm so important) and spotted Nellie. That dog is REALLY old. Cute, but old. Milla came down the stairs and pretty much dragged me upstairs to her room. We passed Oscar on our way up but I made a point of ignoring him. He and I have a long term rivalry. I won't go into it.

We arrived at Millas room and went in. She had set up the blankets so they made a kind of fort. I dropped my bag and threw myself onto her bed. Milla shut the door and I sat up.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked her. She shrugged because she is so great at giving ideas.

"Ooh, I know!" She said sitting down on the bed. "Truth or dare" she said. She and I play this game a lot. It nearly always ends up being about Millas newest crush. I say newest because she basically gets a new one every month. One time she actually had 9 AT ONCE! She's an amazing girl but she needs to TONE IT DOWN! Not every guy is worth crushing on!

"You go first!" She says.

"Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth." She replies.

I pretend to think for about 2 seconds before asking

"Do you have a crush on James?" I already know the answer but I want to hear it from her. She does her "I-want-to-lie-but-I-won't-because-you'll-know-I'm-lying" face.

"Yes?" she says. She says it like a question. She's blushing so much! I punch the air and fall on my back.

"I knew it!" I shout, maybe a bit to loud but who cares?

"Who are you going to the prom with?" Milla asks. How did her train of thought end up there?

"No one." I tell her. "Everyone who wanted to go with me is in the hospital." I may have broken a few bones.

Milla laughs so hard she falls off the bed.

I look over the end of the bed at her. She's sprawled on her back on the floor. My best friend is strange.

"Who are you going with?" I ask her rolling onto my stomach.

"No one." she answers.

"Who do you WANT to go with?" I ask her.

"No one." She says again. The blush on her cheeks gives her away.

"You're lying." I tell her popping my head up on my elbows. Her blush deepens.

"I'm not!" She says.

"You are." I say.

"Am not"





"ARE!" I throw a pillow at her. It hits her in the back of the head. She shoves me of the bed and clambers onto it herself. I land on my back and don't bother to sit up.

"YOU ARE LYING!!!!!" I shout at her, but I'm also laughing. She is too because we are very crazy and laugh at almost anything. I'm teasing even though I know she's lying. I also know who she wants to go with. I prop myself up on my elbows.

She grabs a pillow and throws it at my head. It hits the side of my head and I collapse on my back again. By now we are both laughing our heads off.

"Fine." She says. "I want to go with James." I laugh at her.

"Why are you laughing at me?" She whines.

"You thought I didn't already know that?" I say, still laughing.

She throws another pillow at my head.

Authors Note

Sorry it's so late! My wifi wouldn't allow me to publish! Anyway, hope you like the new chapter!

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