Dancing and really lame jokes

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(this is set from when Liam and Eleanor start dancing)


I pulled Eleanor onto the dance floor making a big show of it and pretending to be a posh olden day gentleman (as you do.) I put my hands on her waist as she puts hers around my neck. As the song starts we begin swaying slightly. It's sort of awkward at first since we're friends. Truth be told, we're only doing this because we NEED to get Milly (my nickname for her) and James together, at least, I think we're only doing it because of that. Key word: Think, yeah I don't understand girls. I figure I might as well pass the time so I lean down and whisper in Eleanor's ear

"Why did Adele cross the road?" She looks at me as if I've gone insane.

"To say 'hello from the other side' " She laughs, but then stands on my foot. As I said, I don't understand girls. "Come on, what was that for?" I whine. She shakes her head before replying.

"You're. An. Idiot." She whispers punctuating each word. I pull a mock hurt expression which I guess must have looked really silly because she bursts out laughing.

I spin her and look over to see that Archie has left with James and Milla. The plan is in motion. It occurs to me that me and Eleanor can stop dancing but I decide to go for a bit longer. I can annoy her as much as I want and she can't judo flip me because there are like a bajillion other couples swarming around us.

"Fine, if you didn't like that one how about, Where do cows go on date night?"

"I dunno, where do cows go on date night?" She asks pretending to be interested.

"To the moovies." I answer. She shakes her head but smiles nonetheless.

The song finishes and she releases her hands from my neck. She moves to leave the dance floor but I grab her hand and spin her back so she's crushed against my chest. She lightly punches my stomach making me let go of her arm and looks up at me.

"What are you doing?" She asks. True answer: No idea. Answer I give:

"Well you say that you did dancing when you were little, lets see how good you are." Finish with a smirk. She scowls at me but grabs my arm nonetheless. The song begins and we start dancing, me trying not to step on her toes. After a bit of dancing in silence we come to the bit where we spin. I twirl her and her back lands against my chest, my head just above her shoulder.

"So," I say. "What should you do when no-one laughs at your chemistry jokes?" I ask. She looks at me like I'm stupid, I'm not stupid.

"Don't tell chemistry jokes?" She replies as I spin her again so she's facing me.

"No," I say, "Keep going till you get a reaction" I laugh at my own joke as Eleanor continues to look as if she's questioning my sanity. It is at this moment that Archie runs over. He sees the 2 of us dancing and smirks: Jerk.

"Woah, you 2. Save the dancing for Prom!" He says looking like he's trying to restrain from laughing. Eleanor lets go of me and all 3 of us head off the dance floor. Archie tells us that he has succeeded with the plan and that James and Milla are locked in the observatory. We all smirk and look at each other before we burst out laughing. I don't know why we laugh, we just do. We stayed around the food table for the next half an hour just joking around and having fun. Then we see a dark haired figure in a skirt and crop top descend from the stairs (yes, I do know big words like descend). Milla runs out the door and slams it behind her. We all look at each other wondering what happened. We see James descend a few minutes later and run over.

"What happened?" Archie asks. James looks at us and I can tell he's confused.

"I dunno," he says, "We kissed -" At this Eleanor interrupted him by squealing while me and Archie high-fived. "Then she ran off." He says looking down dejectedly (Ha! Another big word!). Eleanor looks confused but assures James she'll talk to her. She walks off pulling her phone out and I assume she's calling Milla. After a few minutes she shakes her head and puts her phone away.

"She's not answering." She says. Yet again, the 3 of us look at each other. Our plan was perfect, so where did it go wrong? No, it didn't go wrong. They kissed! But Milla, probably became a coward after and ran away.

Yeah, that's what went wrong. Our plan went right, then Milla ruined it. Stupid Milla. I huff and stuff chocolate in my mouth.

Authors note


We would love to hear your opinions on this story and any couples you think should happen.

We realise we have been neglecting Oscar and Owen for a while and so we will probably be bringing them back soon.

Please do comment! It really would be amazing!

Also, we're thinking of adding some new characters (not sure what they'll do but they'll be there) and we decided to let you design them so if any of you guys want to put ideas just leave a comment or message me!


Physical description (i.e hair colour, eye colour etc)

Name (first & last)





If you want them in a relationship or not

They're opinion on James x Milla

Who they hang out with (like they're group of friends)


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