The New Boy

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*Authors Note*


This is @Millyborn2001s best friend here! In the last chapter Oscar describes Millas face as "seems to not be aware she's staring and smiling like a nitwit, showing all her teeth." I would like to confirm that it is a real face real-life Milla makes! She said earlier the best friend is based on me (best friend hopefully introduced in the next chapter) well Milla in the story is based on real-life Milla who basically develops a new crush nearly every month. My life is centred around all the (not very) cute boys she likes. It gets very tiring! 🙄 (Real-Life Milla described this emoji as a "flat pancake" when I put it in) 

Millyborn2001s best friend.

*Milla (the last chapter in a different point of view)*

I saw the look Oscar gave the new boy and realised I must have been looking at him oddly. I can feel my cheeks heat up. I also see the look he gives the boy's brother when he walks in. My brother, my gay brother. Ah, how I love it when he looks like that. It means I have something to tease him about. Soon enough Oscar and the boy's brother leave the room but I see Oscar give a look at the boy. PLEASE! It's not like that! I don't like him like that (whatever lets you sleep at night 😏). He's just a random boy that I barely know. To be fair he's cute, with curly dark hair, dark eyes, middle-tone skin. But, well I don't like anyone like that. Sure, I have a past of crushing on boys a lot but that doesn't mean I like EVERY boy I meet. Oscar just assumes that! (Why do I live with him?)

The boy stands up awkwardly and sticks his hand out for me to shake. Heart thumping I take it and we shake.

"I'm James," he says, "You are?" His voice is rich and beautiful and perfect and SNAP OUT OF IT! You don't like him like that!

"Milla," I answer. He smiles at me. His smile is lopsided and has the look of a troublemaker. It's cute. Really cute. The kind of cute that makes your heart melt and it feels like a million butterflies have taken flight inside your stomach. (🥺) STOP IT BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T LIKE HIM LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT LIKE ANYONE LIKE THAT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! NADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I. DO. NOT. LIKE. HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James invites me into his room to hang out. I smile and follow him in. His room is amazing!!! It's got a double bed, a desk covered in sketches, and papers and a computer lying open. There are posters on the wall and a few other things but I'm lazy so I'm just going to stop the description there.

I walk over to the desk and look at the sketches. They are really good! There are fruits, flowers, animals and other stuff. I tell him they're amazing and he smiles at me again. STOP CATCHING BUTTERFLIES STOMACH!!!

We decide to watch a movie so he grabs his laptop and sits on the bed. I'm pretty sure that I'm grinning like an idiot as I sit down next to him. We pick a movie and settle down to watch it.

**********Time skip (1 hour later)**********

I was disappointed when my dads called us but I felt exhilarated at the same time. OUR HANDS HAD TOUCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! During the romantic scene in the movie his fingers had hovered next to mine. Yet again I am grinning like an idiot.

As we exit the bedroom I see Oscar give James a dirty look. REALLY! He thinks I LIKE HIM!? WHY DOES HE THINK THAT? I DO NOT!!!!

As I head home I hear Oscar tell my dads he and Owen have arranged to meet up again, maybe I'll tag along and see James again.

I smile.

*Authors Note*

3 CHAPTERS!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

We're on a roll!!!!!

I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

Words: 533

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