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BIRTHDAY BLUES WERE REAL. Andie had been looking forward to her seventeenth birthday for as long as she could remember, but as it rolled around, she dreaded it more and more.

Seventeen was the year that most songs were about.

There were your cute songs :: "Young and sweet, only seventeen." Dancing Queen, Abba.

"The kind of radiance you only have at seventeen." Nothing New, Taylor Swift. ( which was honestly the only non — sad part of the song. )

"We were seventeen and crazy, running wild, wild." Starlight, Taylor Swift.

Then, there were your dead — right upsetting songs. "Cigarette daydream, you were only seventeen." Cigarette Daydream, Cage The Elephant.

"Im only seventeen, I don't know anything, but I know I miss you." Betty, Taylor Swift. ( Andie's personal favourite. )

"Im so sick of seventeen. Where's my fucking teenage dream?" Brutal, Olivia Rodrigo.

Andie was feeling more like the second option. The upsetting songs. It was her first birthday without Chey and Noor, every year they would have a sleepover and at midnight they would immediately rip into the cake Cléa bought.

Cléa was still absent, however she was getting better. She had left the house two times in the last three weeks, which was a major improvement.

Andie, on the other hand, was not getting better. She was improving, but she wasn't getting any worse. She was stuck in a straight line, a repetitive motion. She was slowly fading away. She never made an effort anymore, not with anyone.

That didn't stop her friends. Gwen Stacy, MJ, Ned, and Peter especially had planned an exquisite party at Gwen's house. It was only going to be them five, Gwen was going to invite Susie, Sav, and Quinn but decided against it as she was almost positive that Andie was going to get drunk. Gwen also decided against it because Quinn just had her baby. Gwen and Andie went to go see it, the baby was adorable, it cried a lot.

Peter had texted his girlfriend at exactly twelve in the morning, which in Andie's opinion, was one of the most loving things a person could do. He wrote a long paragraph going on and on about how much he loved her. As she read it she felt her knees buckle.

Hi Andie!! Happy birthday, beautiful girl. I love you SO much, you've changed my life. You're the best person I have ever met, I don't know what I would do without you. You're my best friend in the whole world. You're sooo gorgeous and smart and kind and hilarious. You're seriously the best person ever. I love you, I'll see you later. I love you again. I love you to the ends of the earth.

awww you cheesy little bitch 😍😍🙈🙈🙈
got me blushing and shiii
i love you sticky fingers ❤️❤️
ur the best.
how did i get so lucky??????

When she's nice to me>>>

It was weird to Andie. Last year, she didn't have a boyfriend, she didn't even have real friends. In the span of less than twelve months, she had gotten a perfect boyfriend who loved her for her, no matter her issues, and friends who actually love her unconditionally and are always there.

Sure, maybe some aspects of her life were better twelve months ago ( example : less trauma, mother being less depressed, had less jobs, had completely stopped self — harming. ) but most things were better. ( Example : friends, boyfriend, better grades. )

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now