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One month later. Philly. Isaiah's high-rise.

Isaiah and Jrue had been talking for a month by now and their connection has really grown in the short time they've known each other.

Currently Isaiah is on the phone with his agent discussing what's next for him in his career.

"Isaiah, you've been on a break from basketball for a month now. It's time for you to get back out there so I got you a contract with this team in Europe. You leave tomorrow." his agent says.

"Man what? Tomorrow? That's not enough time to do anything and not to mention you haven't said shit about a new team until now."

Isaiah has been enjoying his break and not really thinking about going back overseas to play ball. He's spent most of his time getting to know Jrue and that's all he could think about at this moment.

"It's my job to make sure you're still playing, I don't kno-''. Isaiah hangs up on his agent before he can even finish that sentence.

Isaiah decides to go shoot around to relieve some stress so he hits up Amir telling him to come over so they can play a couple of games.

He goes to his room to change into some basketball shorts and a hoodie before grabbing his shoes and going to wait for Amir.

10 minutes later he and Amir are outside on the rooftop court shooting around.

"Bro, lets 1v1" Amir says betting 1k on the game.

"Ight nigga, let's get it" Isaiah challenges putting one more stack on the game.

"First to 21"

Mir and Isaiah continue their competitive game before they both are tied with 20 points and this is the game point right here, right now.

"Ayo bro I seen ya girl wit another nigga earlier. I knew yo ass was finna fumble her". Amir laughs trying to throw Isaiah off his game.

Amir wins.

"Man that was some bullshit, you knew what you was doing" Isaiah says, meaning mugging his boy who just chumped me.

Amir simply cracks up at the amusing sight in front of him. They both walk back inside, Amir to play the game and Isaiah going to FaceTime Jrue.

"Man you pussy whipped" Amir shouts from the living room to Isaiah who's going back to his room.

He hops on his bed getting comfortable before pulling up Jrue's contact and facetiming her.

She picks up on the first ring "Hey sexy" she smiles at him through the camera.

"Hey beautiful" Isaiah is looking at her appearance more than anything. She's wearing this crop top that's damn near showing her titties and short shorts.

Jrue catches him staring and turns around to go get her robe off the door revealing her spine tattoo which is a huge, red, chinese dragon.

Isaiah knew she had tattoos on her left arm and one behind her ear but he's never seen the one on her back and shit that was a huge turn on for him.

"That tattoo looks good on you ma" he smirks at Jrue who's now back in front of the phone with her robe on.

"Thank you" she puts her head down attempting to hide her smile.

"Why you hide your face every time I compliment you?"

"Because sometimes I don't always feel great about myself and I think you're lying," she says with a small frown on her face.

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