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Walking into her parents' house, Jrue calls for her parents.

"Mommy! Dad!" She raises her voice.

"Stop all that yelling in my house girl, we in the family room." Her mom shouts back.

"Hey parents, what y'all doing?" She asks while plopping down on the couch in between her mom and dad.

"Nothing really, just bird watching." Her dad responded.

The couches in the family room faced out towards the big glass window they had in the back of their house. Jrue's parents didn't have a tv in this room because they believed in family time without electronics.

Jrue's mom started running her fingers through the girl's natural curls, admiring how grown and beautiful her daughter is.

"Ok so I came here to tell y'all something and also look at my little belly, it's poking just a little bit more." Jrue rushed out excitedly.

"I know, you sure there's only one baby in there?" Her mom wondered out loud, looking at her daughter's stomach and Jrue just chuckled quietly at the question.

"Why are you laughing there is only one right?"

"No mommy, I'm having twins."

"Rue, are you serious?" Her mom questions.

"Yes, look at these ultrasound picturessss." Jrue drags out and hands the pictures to her parents so they can see.

Safe to say they are shocked. Neither of them are saying a word. Just staring at the pictures with their mouths open.

Clearing his throat, Rue's dad finally breaks the silence, "My baby is having twins. I'm so happy for you and I know you'll be a great mom."

Jrue looks at her dad with tears filling her eyes, "aww thank you daddy, that means so much to me." The tears are coming down at this point.

Her parents both bring her into a big hug, making sure to let her know they'll always be there to support her and help her along the way.


Sometime later at the mall.

"Bestieeee look at this outfit right here isn't it so cute?" Lia asked Jrue as they walked around Children's place.

"You love it because it says 'Auntie says I'm perfect just like her' "Jrue laughed out.

"Yes, of course. Aunties little babies." Lia coos while rubbing Jrue's belly.

"Hmm let's get out of here so we can go to Best Buy next door." Jrue rushes Lia as they make their way to the register with 2 things.

Lia pays for the items before turning to ask, "What are you getting from there?"

"I want to buy a camera so I can capture every moment of my pregnancy and when the babies get here." she grins at her best friend just thinking about when her babies get here.

"Aw, that's so cute. You'll be the best mom Rue."

As they walk out the store, Jrue looks to Lia with her lip out and her eyes watering as she attempts to hold her tears in.

"Why are you crying?" Lia worries as she pulls Jrue into a hug.

"Because I'm so grateful for you guys and also I'm just really hormonal and missing my man so bad." she rants in relief.

When Isaiah and Jrue first started calling every night, they were doing good and the calls were consistent but over the past couple of days, Isaiah hasn't been responding to her texts or calls but she's trying to give him the benefit of the doubt with him being overseas and everything.

Jrue has been slowly getting less patient and less understanding as the days go by because Zay promised he'd be there every step of the way but where is he now?

"I know mama but no more tears, let's go to the store so we can leave and get ice cream." Lia puts her arm through Jrue's and guides them both towards Best Buy.


Back at home.

Back at home

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Ok so ik i've been MIA for the past week but that's just because life has been lifeing lately. But I promise the next chapter will be longer.

I think I'm gonna end this book in about 15 chapters or less. I don't want it to be super long but don't stress. I'm writing something new.

Thoughts on Zay going ghost?

Is Jrue wrong for telling him to leave them be?

Do you think Isaiah truly ghosted her or is it a mistake......?

Find out next chapter. Please comment and vote. Muah.

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