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                          𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐀𝐇 𝐒𝐘𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐒

"Hello?" Isaiah questioned his agent who was calling him early in the morning.

"Isaiah you need to be back overseas in 2 days or less to be able to continue playing" his agent tells him tiredly.

"I haven't even been gone that long..."

"Yea well one week is long for someone whose only job is to play basketball and get paid" the agent says sarcastically.

"Bruh. Whatever, you'll see me. And don't call me this earlier again."

All they do is call me any time of day and demand things from me like I'm not paying them tuhh.

He hangs up the phone and goes back to laying on top of Jrue who's still sleeping peacefully.

Ever since Isaiah was selected to play basketball overseas during his junior year of college he's had people trying to tell him what to do like he's not 21 years old.

His goal was to play in the NBA but playing overseas was the best option to sharpen his skills and get looked at by NBA scouts.

He does have a couple teams looking at him already but nobody has offered him a deal yet so he needs to be playing overseas.

Jrue begins to stir underneath him. "Bae get off of mee" she drags in her tired voice.

"No" Isaiah says while kissing all over her face.

"Mm mm your breath is funky and you kissing all over my face" she screws up her face in disgust.

"Girl you're so mean in the morning, that's why you ugly." He mugs her before licking her face and quickly getting up.

"Bruh you're so childish" Jrue says laughing while getting up.

Both of them go to Isaiah's connected bathroom so he can take a shower and Jrue can brush her teeth.

"Bae I gotta tell you something and before you start just know I have to go" Isaiah says to her from inside the shower.

"Okay well what is it?"

"I have to go back overseas in the next two days..."

"Seriously? You just came back" she whines.

"Yea just called me this morning but don't worry we'll make the next day the best." Isaiah reassures her.

Sighing she responds, "I know we will but ya know."

Isaiah clears a part of the glass door on the shower and sees her with her head down looking at her toes.

"Don't be sad ma and what you doing out there? Get in here wimme."

She shakes her head no.

"You know I'll drag you in here if you don't hurry up." he threatens.

"Fine! But only because I want to and not because you threatened me!"

"Yea ok" he chuckles while pulling her towards himself.

The couple showers together and one thing leads to another and next thing you know their skin is all wrinkly since they've been in there so long.

"Omg my legs hurt" Jrue groans while laying back on the bed with a towel wrapped around herself.

"You want a massage?" Isaiah asks smirking.

"No sir. You just wanna fuck again and I need time to recover."

"Well you go ahead and do that because you're really gonna need time to recover by the time I leave" he warns.

The two of them really spend that whole day doing things... and being up under each other just enough for the time they'll spend away from each other.


                          𝐉𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒

It's Monday morning, the day that Jrue has absolutely been dreading because today is the day Isaiah leaves.

They've spent the weekend doing both of the things they love and getting to know each other more than before.

"Baby." Jrue runs her hand over his hair that's covered by a bonnet.

"Hmm" he responds sleepily.

"You have to wake up so you can go to the airport."

"Five more minutes-" he says as he buries his face into his pillow.

"No you have to get up now if you want to make it on time" she explains to him.

Isaiah gets up but not without complaining and grumbling the whole way to the bathroom about how early it is.

30 minutes later. Isaiah is dressed in his black essentials sweatsuit and Yeezy slides. Jrue is wearing a black skims set and black crocs.

Jrue grabs her jacket and keys and Isaiah gets his luggage and they make their way to the car.

Isaiah is driving Jrue's car to the airport so that she doesn't have to drive both ways.

On the way to the airport, Jrue literally pouts the whole way all because she doesn't want him to leave.
Isaiah is constantly reassuring her and is massaging her thigh.

"Ma. Stop pouting, I don't want to leave either but I'll be back before you know it" he looks at her.

"I know but I still don't want you to go" Jrue says while playing with his hand that's on his thigh.

They both sit in a comfortable silence until they reach the airport.

It's Monday morning and the airport is busy as hell so they pull up to the drop off zone.

They both get out the car and Jrue watches while Isaiah gets his bags out the trunk with her arms crossed.

Smiling, Isaiah walks over to her and wraps his arms around her waist.

"I know baby. Come here".

Jrue wraps her arms around his torso and looks up at him and he goes to kiss her a couple of times before sticking his tongue in her mouth and moving one of his hands to grip her ass.

Jrue is about to moan into the kiss before she remembers where they are breaking the kiss.

"I'll miss you so much handsome." She gives him another kiss.
"I'll miss you too baby and I'll text you everyday and call when I can" he reassures her while grabbing his bags.


"Ard ma, one more kiss." He leans in to kiss her and starts walking backwards towards the building.

"See you later bae!" Jrue shouts while he's walking away.

He looks back and smiles, "See you later!"

And with that he's in the airport and already Jrue misses him. She gets back into her car and goes to his apartment to chill.

She's off of work today and Isaiah gave her a key to his apartment so she can stay there whenever.

Before she goes back to the apartment she decides to stop by chick fil a for breakfast.

After she gets her food she goes to the house and sits at the island and starts eating.

Jrue is only half way through her food when she feels sick and runs to the bathroom to throw up.

She damn near threw up her whole meal and decides to save the rest for later and go lay down on the couch.

Hmm she's always eaten breakfast from chick fil a but it seems like her stomach doesn't agree with it today... maybe she's just not feeling great...

Happy Friday guys!! Here's the update for the week. Y'all know there will be another next week so stay tuned and thanks for reading!


Remember to vote and I'll appreciate if you all would comment...☺️

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