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12:00 pm. Center City, Philadelphia. Jrue's job.

"Ok, you're all set. Next time you come in we should be able to take your braces off." Jrue smiles at her last patient before her break.

Jrue walks back to the staff room to take her break. Now that Isaiah is overseas, they have to find time to talk which is usually during her break.

Grabbing her things, she goes outside to sit in her car just as a call from 'Isaiah' comes to her car's Bluetooth.

"Hi beautiful," Isaiah grinned into the camera.

The two of them talk for the remainder of Jrue's break before she has to go back to work.

"I'll see you soon baby" Isaiah exclaims, hanging up.

4 o'clock comes around and it's finally time to clock out!

Jrue gets into her car and connects her playlist to her car. Playing Summer Walker to get a chill vibe going.

Hmm should I cook or eat out tonight...? Imma just go home and order from there.

About 30 minutes later Jrue pulls into her driveway and pulls her telfar bag over her shoulder and walks inside.

Usually her parents are down here working or watching tv. So she goes to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water but when she turns around there's a note on the table from her parents.

Hey Rue,

Your dad and I drove back to Jersey to stay with some family for a couple days. Call if you need anything, love you.

-Mom and Dad

Jrue leaves the note on the counter and goes upstairs to her room. When she opens the door, Jrue's jaw drops at what's in front of her.

"Isaiah?!" Jrue yells loudly in shock.

Before he can even respond, Jrue drops all of her things on the floor and runs to jump on him. Grabbing his face in between her hands and kisses all over his face.

"Hi baby" Isaiah smiles at Jrue placing the bouquet of pink tulips in her hands.

Taking the flowers in her hands "Thank you, but wait why are you back so early?" Jrue asks, tilting her head to the side.

"I may or may not have purposely played terribly to come back early" he smirks.

"You're so stupid" Jrue laughs at him.

"So can I get that kiss now?" Isaiah slyly smirks at Jrue.

Without saying anything, Jrue wraps her arms around his neck and pecks his soft, juicy, lips.

But it's not enough for Isaiah so he gently grabs her throat and puts his mouth on hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

"Mmm" Jrue moans softly into the kiss, sucking on his tongue.

The kiss quickly gets sloppy. Isaiah puts his other hand on Jrue's waist and presses her into his dick that's growing as they continue.

Jrue finally pulls away when she feels herself starting to lose control.

Fuck I'm so wet right now and I wanna fuck him but not yet.

Both of them look at each other lustfully while trying to catch their breath. Isaiah gives Jrue one more quick kiss.

Breaking the silence, Isaiah asks "Jrue will you be my girlfriend?"

Jrue's breath hitches at his question before she answers, "Yes."

Jrue and Isaiah both change into something comfortable before laying in her bed so they can eat and watch movies.

30 minutes later, Isaiah's hands start to roam Jrue's body causing her to tense up a little before relaxing when he starts to suck on her neck.

"Mmm Isaiah" Jrue breathes out heavily while trying so hard to focus on the movie while feeling his hands move lower and lower towards the band of her shorts.

He puts his hands in her shorts feeling she doesn't have any underwear on while kissing up and down her jaw. He pauses when he feels a piercing just above her clit.

Isaiah starts to rub his fingers up and down her slit, occasionally playing with the piercing that drives Jrue crazy.

"Please Isaiah" Jrue moans out impatiently.

"Please what baby?" he whispers into her ear.

"You want me to finger you until you come on my fingers baby? Hmm?"

"Yes please give me more."

Chuckling at Jrue's impatience, Isaiah slides two fingers into her pussy causing her to squirm around prompting him to start moving his fingers at a quick pace.

"You're so wet mama, let me hear how good I make you feel." Isaiah demands curling his fingers inside her causing her to moan loudly.

Jrue continues to moan loudly soon feeling that tightening feeling in the pit of her stomach as her orgasm approaches.

She throws her head back in pleasure when he starts to play with the piercing on her clit with his thumb while speeding up his fingers inside her.

"Ahh shit! I'm cumming Isaiah!"

"Come baby, don't hold back."

Those words are all it takes to send Jrue over the edge, cumming all over his fingers and breathing heavily as he slows down his pace guiding her through her orgasm.

Fuck his fingers are like magic having me damn near screaming over just his fingers.

While Jrue comes down from her high, she looks at Isaiah and sees him putting his fingers in his mouth sucking all her juices off of them while holding eye contact with her.

The simple action has Jrue wet and ready again, but she doesn't express that because her legs are still shaking from that orgasm, he just gave her.

This is just a filler chapter y'all. I'll be updating again later this week so yea.


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