Twins' Gender

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a/n- we gonna go actual first person POV for this chapter lmk what yall think after and it's gonna be Jrue and Isaiah POV

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a/n- we gonna go actual first person POV for this chapter lmk what yall think after and it's gonna be Jrue and Isaiah POV.😗

4 months later.


Today was my 22-week anatomy scan so I was finally about to find out the gender of my babies. The last appointment was around 13-weeks, and the doctor told me I could find out then, but I decided to wait.

Isaiah and I haven't spoken since he ghosted me when I was 8 weeks pregnant. Sometimes I wish he was here and sometimes I just feel bitter but it's whatever.

I know I told him not to worry about me and the twins but I don't wanna be a bitter baby mama if he does come back so I've been keeping up with the vlogging so he can kinda experience this whole thing.

I'm about to go into the doctor's office so let me get this camera and get a move on.

Jrue's Vlog - Hey guyssss, so today I'm finally about to find out whether the twins are girls or boys since we know they're identical already. I'm kinda nervous but yea here comes the nurse.

"Jrue!" The ultrasound tech calls loudly, and I get up to follow her to the room.

"Ok, so today's appointment will be quick. I'm going to measure and check the babies for anything and then the doctor will come in and check in as well as tell you the gender." she informs me.

"Ok," I say nervously.

Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous y'all but let me show y'all the screen.

The tech shows me the screen and I record myself while she tells me that the babies are measuring slightly smaller than usual but that could just be because there's two of them, but the doctor will double check.

Shortly after she leaves, the doctor walks in.

"Okay mama, so your twins are measuring smaller than I'd like but I'm thinking since there are two of them and they share the same sac and placenta it's normal for identical twins." The doctor tells me cheerfully.

She used the wand to scan over my belly and then she asks, "Do you want to know the gender now or will you be doing a reveal?"

"I'd like to know now but is it ok, if I record you saying the gender? I'll cover your face and name tag."

"Of course it's ok." The doctor smiles at me.

"Ok so you're having..."

*Drumroll music*

"Two healthy baby girls!" she tells me with a huge smile on her face.

"For real?!!!!" I almost scream at her.

"Yes, congratulations mama."

"Thank you so much," I smile.

After she leaves, I wipe my belly off and get ready to leave. There won't be another appointment unless I decide to do the 4D scan, so I don't have to set up anything.

Alright y'all so I'm having two daughtasss and couldn't be any happier, I get not one but two mini Me's literally my dream. But imma end the video here see you in the next one! Bye! - End of Vlog

Walking out the doctor's office I'm so hype like who would've thought I'd have twin girls. Ouu we're gonna be the best mommy, daughter trio out here. Let me finally post on IG.

Iamm. Jrue

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I'm in love with being their mommy already. Got my girls 4ever. #identicalgirls🩷


I'm trying so hard to control my anger as I look at this screenshot Amir sent me of Jrue's instagram post revealing her pregnancy belly and the gender of the twins.

I couldn't see the post because I was blocked on literally everything. It's been 4 fucking months and some days since we've communicated and I don't know why. 4 months ago, before I was blocked, I tried calling and texting and I never got a response so I'm not sure what happened.

But I planned on confronting her about it tomorrow as I was now on a plane back to the states finally after being overseas and away from my family for months.

I'm hoping when I get back me and Jrue can just talk and work it out because truth be told, I've been missing my bae like crazy and I love her and my daughters like a lot.

I was upset at the way I found out the twins were both girls but either way I was geeked to be a girl dad.

Amir has been updating me casually while I was away since he and Malia, Jrue's best friend were in some kind of situationship right now.

It may seem stalkerish that I'm keeping tabs on her but not only is that my girl even though we haven't been talking, she's also carrying my children so desperate times call for desparate measures.

As the plane is landing Amir texted me asking me for the gate information so he can pick me up. It's around midnight so I won't see Jrue until tomorrow as I'm sure she's decided not to stay in my apartment by now.


I'm now outside the airport waiting for Amir to pull up and this nigga is taking forever like I wasn't on that plane for too many hours to count. I'm ready to sleep right about now.

5 minutes later he finally pulls up and rolls the window down, "Wassup nigga! Let's go!" He greets me like he ain't the late one.

"Wassup bro, how you been?" I ask while getting in the passenger seat and getting comfortable.

"Good, nun special." Amir replies shortly.

"Mmm ok fuck nigga." I squint my eyes at him.

"Bro I can't even- you look like shit." he says driving off.

"What you expect when I've been away for months, away from my girl and my family and friends. I miserable as fuck and why the fuck you looking at me so much." I snapped at him.

"And you acting like a little bitch." Amir mumbled under his breath but I head him.

I didn't respond, I just smacked him up the side of his head and put my Airpods in to tune his ass out.

Ok guys here's another chapter as promised and just know our two favs are going to reunite real soon.

How'd y'all feel about the first person POV?

Thoughts and predictions?

Name suggestions for the girls?

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