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"are you fucking kidding me?" Sam yelled out the window as i heard metal screeching. mindy grunted as she tried to hold the door. "okay you three go first!" sam yelled as i spotted a ladder on the edge of the window, i grunted as i threw my head back, the pain in my thigh being to much to bare.

"what no!" mindy said holding her back against the door. "mindy!" sam yelled back. "someone has to hold the door!" mindy yelled back. "I'll get anika next, take moon" sam stared at her for a second before she walked over to me. "sam, no!"

"no let go of me!" i yelled at her. "take anika!" i said with a groan. "take her sam" anika said as sam nodded making my heart drop.

sam pulled me away from anika who was now sitting down on the floor. "no what!" i yelled as sam pushed me towards the window. "go!" she yelled, i took one last look at anika before i turned around climbing on the ladder with Sam's help.

i pulled myself forwards on the ladder as low cries and sobs escaped my lips. "good come on you can do it!" i heard danny say. "dont look down look at me" he said as my gaze lifted from the ground to his face.

i trembled on the ladder the wind moving my hair to the side. the wind hitting my bare skin from the tear of my shirt.

danny reached out to get a hold of my hand, he pulled me in and quickly turned back to the window as sam followed. "it won't hold me" she said as she still lingered at the start of the stairs. "sam hurry!" i yelled as i saw mindy grunting in the back ground.

"its not going to hold me!" sam yelled staring down at the long way down.
"its gonna hold you trust me" he said encouraging her, Sam looked down before she slowly crawled towards us.

"she's losing allot of blood" mindy's faint voice yelled from our appartement. my stomach tightened at the though of anika sitting their slumped down bleeding out.

"say something more positive!" i heard anika's frustrated voice yell back at her girlfriend. "eyes on my sam" danny said gazing at sam who crawled on the ladder.

a loud groan left Sam's lips as she inched closer to me and danny. as she got to the window danny talked to her, encouraging her while she crawled towards us. danny wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her inside.

she immediately hugged me my arms tightened around her waist as one of her hands found my head. "its okay, we're okay" she whispered softly kissing the top of my head. we turned back towards the window as we saw mindy still at the dresser.

"mindy!" i yelled as sam let go of me. "anika lets go!" i yelled at the top of my lungs it cracking softly. anika was now sitting down on the toilet as sam called for her. she groaned loudly as mindy threw herself under anika pulling her up.

i heard the faint bickering of mindy and anika as Mindy's back faced us. "mindy!" i yelled before she leaned forward to kiss anika. she turned around climbing on top of the ladder making me sigh in relief.

mindy crawled forward with low hisses and grunts. when she was in the middle of it she looked back, the loud sound of ghost face throwing his body into the door made her cry. 

"come one mindy!" i yelled, mindy started moving forward agian. "she's coming right behind you come on!" sam yelled, danny grabbed ahold of mindy pulling her inside just like he had done with me and sam.

"anika!" i yelled as she pulled herself up on the ladder with loud cries as her body trembled. "come on!" mindy yelled.

"i cant do it, i cant do it" anika said the wind blowing away the sound.

"anika you can do it!" me and mindy yelled in sync, anika slowly nodded and mumbled something before she slowly crawled foward. "yes, cmon!" mindy yelled at her.

"anik-" my breath hitched in my throat as i stared right past her. anika looked up at us in confusion as she stopped. "what" she sobbed out.

"anika you have to move right now!" mindy yelled at her girlfriend making anika look back, her head turned towards the window as she spotted ghost face. "anika please!" i screamed desperately trying to get the girl to move.

she screamed as she continued moving, ghostface scurried in the room trying to find a way to stab or even kill anika. my gaze shifted towards ghost face who stared right at us, my face shifted into confusion as he stabbed his knife into the window frame.

realisation hit me he's going to shake her off. "anika move!" i yelled and tapped sams making her look up at ghost face. he wrapped his clothed hands around the end of the ladder and started shaking it making anika stop in her tracks.

"No!" anika yelled as she got thrown around on the ladder. "come to me!" mindy yelled desperately trying to reach for her girlfriend. "mindy I don't wanna die" anika yelled out making me cry. "you're not!" i yelled back. "come on please!"

"anika give me your hand!" sam yelled as me and mindy clinged to her shirt so she wouldn't fall out the window. anika reached out and clung her hand on Sam's, ghost face started twisting the ladder making anika move to the side.

with a loud scream followed by mine anika fell to the ground, her head hitting the side of the container with a loud bang. "no!" mindy yelled as she cried out, i stared at anika's lifeless body laying on the floor.

i looked up one more time to see ghostface satisfied enough, grabbing his knife out of the wood he walked out of frame.

 tanathophobia • ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now