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I layed down on my bed in the apartment i shared with my two cousins and quinn. shifting and turning around on my bed my eyes landed on the pills on top of my counter.

i stared at my pills fighting the urge to just, grab them and throw them all deep down in my throat so i could sleep. i shook the feeling away as i turned back around ignoring the empty feeling in my stomach.

a faint smile formed on my lips as i heard the door open. "can't sleep?" i asked tara as she stood at the entrance of my door she stepped inside closing the door behind her. "i think i have to ask you that" she said a faint smile resting on her lips.

i moved over in my bed making room for her as she layed down next to me, we stared up at the ceiling before tara spoke up. "do you still have nightmares?" she asked softly.

"yeah, but they're not that bad anymore...you know?" i said truthfully she nodded softly. "so, you and chad?" i asked cocking a brow at her, changing the subject.

"quinn told you?" tara asked with a slight gasp as she faced me. "duh, but it was also pretty obvious" i teased nudging her side.

"oh, please u and ethan are way worse " tara said laughing. "what!" i said as my head shot in her direction with a chuckle. "owh please" tara said with a big grin "dont even try, you guys are all lovey Dovey"

"we're not that bad" i said biting my lip, i looked back up at the ceiling. "mhm sure then me and chad are just friends" tara said before her eyes widened. "wait no" she said as we glanced at eachhoter before we burst out with laughter.

"friends don't almost kiss t" i said making her laugh "twice"

"but we didn't" she argued with a smile making me laugh again, but it was quickly interrupted.

"guys, you have to see this" mindy said walking into my room


tara and i were sitting down on the couch as sam walked in. "guys what's going on?" she asked confused as someone followed her. "cute boy" quinn said pointing at the man. "nice"

"the names have just been released by police"

"holy shit, that's the dude from our film study class" mindy said. "the one obbsesd with vergenta"

my eyes landed on ethan as he was already staring at me, he quickly slipped his gaze back to the tv. i furrowed my eyebrows as he did so but shook the feeling away.

"i mean it's probably nothing, right..." i asked glancing around.

"the character of the stab movie franchise"

"tara moon, pack a bag we're leaving in ten" sam said immediately making tara and i shoot up to our defence. "sam" i said trying to reason with her.

"she's joking right?" ethan asked staring at me as i shook my head at him. i walked out of the room following after sam.

"wait, sam" tara said standing up and following behind me as we walked after sam.

"we're moving out of the city" she stated. "sam!" tara yelled as we followed her into the kitchen. "sam?" i asked as tara and i stepped into the kitchen to see Sam's hand wrapped around the handle of a knife.

 tanathophobia • ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now