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after ethan suddenly appeared after the attack i didnt know if i could believe him, i wanted to i really did. but i wasn't so sure anymore, did he a we me to keep me up. "hey" i heard making me turn around. to see gale running over.

"are you okay?" she asked us. "i came as soon as i heard." she said making look me roll my eyes. "gale i swear to god" sam threatened gale as she quickly surrendered.

"no no no, truce okay? I'm here for whatever you need." she tried to reason making me scoff. "okay nice try" sam said.

"I really am!" she repeated glancing at me and tara. "fine off the record okay?" she said letting her hands fall to her sides. "fine" sam gave in. "thank you" she said in a low whisper.

gale and sam averted our gazes to us as i shrugged. "I'm uh, sorry i punched you" tara spoke up as i let out a snort, tara elbow me in my rib cage maming me winch. "no you're not" gale said Smiling.

"I'm not" tara said as she returned the gesture, gale turned back to sam and then to bailey. "you're the cop right?"
she asked making him nod. "i did some digging in your first two victims and i found something" she said making me straighten.

"i know where the masks are coming from"


i walked next to ethan as his hand snaked around my waist. "are you okay?" he softly asked as i limped after the group chad and tara glancing back every now and then. they still didn't trust ethan, and i didnt know if i did either.

"I'm fine" i said, his gaze lingered on me for a second before he turned back to the front, his hand still clasped around my waist making it easier for me to walk.

"jason and greg were literal atlantic rich boys." gale said walking up front with kirby "apparently they used fake names to rent this place"

"how did you find it?" kirby asked gale as she looked around the place.
"it's called investigated journalism for a reason" gale sassed back at the blonde.

"how didn't you find it?" gale asked. "weren't you tracking them?"

my gaze looked up at ethan who also glanced down at me, we walked behind the rest side by side. i turned my gaze back to the front.

"I've gone through their financial records dozen of times and this was not in any of them" kirby said. "it doesn't make sense."

"Don't worry, im just really good at my job" gale said as she sped forward making me grin. "you'll get there"

gale ran her card through the card reader, the door clicked making her pull it open. she walked inside kirby following after, when it was my and Ethan's turn i sighed at the sight. "are you kidding me?" i said staring at the stairs.

"i can carry you-"


sam looked back apologetically? "its okay i can wait-" she started as she walked back down. "no, its fine you can go" i argued back as ethan stayed put next to me. sam glanced in between me and ethan before she finally gave in.

"fine" she said shooting ethan a pointed glare, she turned around following after the rest. detective bailey stood at the middle of the stairs staring at me and ethan.

i furrowed my eyebrows at him as he cleared his throat before turning around and walking up the steps.

"what's his deal?" i asked ethan as i left his grip, i stumbled over to a wall and slumped down. "hey, easy" he said gripping my arms and letting me sink to the ground properly.

i groaned lowly as i slumped back against the wall. "so..." i started, i wanted to ask him what was going on with him and quinn. or if there even was something going on, but I wasn't sure quinn was my friend but the narrowing eyes she kept shooting ethan set me on edge.

he hummed in response as his hand grazed my thigh. "did you and quinn ever...." i started he shot me a look of confusion waiting for me to go on. "you know"

his eyes widened in surprise and shock before he shot out excuses. "what no of course not" he questioned tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know okay..." i said as my hands found the sides of my face was i seriously being jealous of a dead girl? "i just found it odd, i guess"

"odd?" he questioned. "why, me and Quinn were never close." he said slightly smiling.

"don't laugh!" i said smacking his arm.
"have some respect will ya" i said glaring at him.

"its just funny how you're jealous of a dead girl" ethan said grinning making my mouth agape. i wanted to scold him but i was so lost in words my throat didn't let anything come out.

"ethan!" i slapped smacked his arm agian. "you can't say shit like that! Quinn was my friend" i said before he nodded the grin still plastered on his face. "ethan" i warned him.

"you're cute when you're jealous" he said poking my side, my side shot into the other direction at the touch.
"oh shut up" i said ruffling my hand through his curls. his hand found my side agian he lifted my shirt and placed his hands underneath.

he started tickling me as my chuckles turned into loud laughs and yelps. "Ethan!" i yelled at my boyfriend who found the situation amusingly funny.

he laughed before his hands finally retreated from my side, when they his hand found my chin.

his brown eyes gazed into mine before he leaned forward pressing his lips on mine. "i love you" he mumbled slowly into the kiss. "i love you to" i mumbled back, my hand found itself playing with his curls at the nape of his neck.

"we will be okay, i promise"

 tanathophobia • ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now