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i was standing next to tara who was seated on a chair at the dining table, when Quinn's moans filled the apartment. "oh my god, quinn is at it again" tara said grinning. "give it to him okay" mindy said laughing.

i shook my head with a laugh before my eyes fixed on the window. "hey, is that danny?" i asked confusingly as i saw him waving his hands out of his window in pannick. "what is he doing?" mindy asked as she tipped her head to the side.

all of our phones got a notification at the same time, my eyebrows furrowed as we slowly pulled out our phones. opening my messages i pressed on the unknown number's text.

and then my heart stopped, it was a picture of quinn, blood scattered everywhere. Quins moans started to turn into grunts and screams making all of us practically run out of our seats. "help" was all we heard from Quins room, followed by a loud scream making us all stop in our tracks.

"wait!" chad yelled as he pulled me and tara back by our arms. we all stared at the door in horror, my heart beat being the loudest thing i was hearing right now.

"run" mindy said as the door flung open quinn stood in front of it before her body felt slump forward onto anika. anika yelled out as i crouched down besides her pushing Quinn's lifeless body of of her. anika yelled even louder this time, my gaze shot up to see ghost face walking out of the bedroom.

water immediately started to form in my eyes. as i stared up at the ghost face, chad and tara ran out the door. tara yelling out for us to follow but i froze, i couldn't move. "oh fuck" mindy said as ghost face stood at the door lurking at us before he strolled towards mindy.

he slit her arm making her grunt as i let out a scream followed by anika's. "mindy!" i screamed out, ghost face made its way to me pushing me backwards i fell back on the floor squirming in its grip.

his gaze lingered towards Quinn's body for a second before his knife found its way inside my thigh making me scream out in pain.

he pulled the knife out, i backed away over the ground crying out in pain. "stay the fuck back!" anika said clinging herself to ghostface his leg in order to try and stop him.

he grabbed her by the neck pushing her against the floor. "sam!" i yelled before my hands found it's way towards a glass vase.

i threw the vase at ghostface making his gaze linger towards me for a second, i stared at him in complete terror as a sob left my lips.

he turned back to anika lifting her off the ground, his grip on her visibly tightened as anika choked out. he pushed her up against the wall before his knife found its way to her stomach. he stuck it inside making her scream before he started twisting the knife.

"sam!" i screamed as my hands hovered around my blue jeans which were now stained with crimson.
"hey!" sam yelled before she flung the wooden knife holder at his face.

"come on" sam said as she inched closer to me pulling me up. mindy grabbed anika as we made our way to the bathroom she pushed me in and locked the door behind her.

mindy and anika sat down on the bed while i slumped down against the wall.

soft sobs escaped my lips as i trembled, i tore a piece of my shirt off. crying out as i slowly tied it around my thigh, i knotted it inhaling a deep breath before pulling it tight.

i cried out as the fabric of my shirt tightend around my leg. "fuck!" i yelled and the door stopped rattling for a second before it continued.

mindy grunted as blood seeped from her arm, my gaze shifted towards anika she was leaned foward clutching her stomach and my heart ached for her.

my eyes wandered through the room before they landed on the open door. "back door.." i mumbled as my lip trembled. ghost face stopped trying to get in as the sound stopped.

mindy looked at me before her eyes went wide, she took a run for it as she stumbled towards the door before she yelled.

i slowly stood up trying to make my way to anika as sam ran past me pushing at the door, a knife was sent just before the blocked ghost face his vision.

the knife slit my cheek open making me winch in pain. i ignored the shock and the pain on my thigh, i leaned on one leg before my other gave out.

i sunk back to the floor making my way to anika. "come on ani its okay.." i tried as she screamed the second I pulled her up. i pushed myself under her arm i gritted my teeth together as i left all the weight on both my legs. I didn't care about the pain, i had to get us out from here.

mindy and sam moved the dresser over to block the door, mindy grunted out in pain as the door's budgets were sent through the dresser towards her arm. i rounded the corner with anika hanging over my shoulder, i cried looking over at Quins dead hookup in the bathtub.

a faint yell was heard from outside, my gaze shot over to see danny at his window. "sam.." i breathed out making her gaze shift from me to danny. she lunged away from the door making her way to the window pulling it open immediately. "shit" she mumbled as she stared outside the window.

"dont worry i got you" i heard danny say before anika mumbled something. "im goanna die.." she said under her trembling breath. "anika no....stay with me" i said gently slapping her cheek. "we're gonna survive this okay? i promise" i said, i wasn't sure if i was trying to convince her or myself.

 tanathophobia • ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now