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ethan and i were playing rock paper scissors as we waited for any sign of tara or sam getting a call, i won and smiled at him. "loser"

"so we're really doing the phone chasing thing then?" mindy asked making chad and i chuckle. "it never works in the movies it'll go like. do more talking sam we have 2 more minutes we almost got him. and then he hangs up just before we can get a lock."

"i can trace a call, in under 15 seconds" kirby said with a lot of confidence. "I'm sorry, why couldn't i go with sam and tara?" i asked leaning towards kirby, my legs layed over Ethan's lap as he traced small patterns onto my jeans.

"because you're injured, what are you going to do limp through the park?" she said turning back to her computer. "touché" i said leaning over to grab chips out of Ethan's bag

mindy chuckled before she spoke up again. "then why do we got them out there as bait"

"because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby."

"and u think they're safe because they're in broad daylight and a public place?" mindy asked cocking her head.

"look i am here okay?" kirby said trying to explain. "and so is bailey"

"this is exactly how our uncle randy died." mindy argued as she spoke up. "broad daylight, public place janked into a van stab stab stab no more randy"

"huh" kirby said turning back towards her computer. "hey sam stay frosty out there" kirby said speaking into the microphone. kirby shushed us as sams voice rang through the van.

"you're going to die you know?"

"no you're going to die, choking on your own blood while i hack up your sisters."

"unless we find you first"

"for a mastermind, you're not very bright. waiting for me to call desperately hoping I'm nearby, so the police can grab me? well im not nearby im a step ahead, be seeing you Samantha"

"did you get him?" sam asked through the phone. "yep, location coming through right now.." kirby furrowed her eyebrows. "he's at the upper west side.." kirby said making my face drop "hes in an apartment building half way across the city"

"west 96?" tara asked kirby. "how did you know that?" she asked tara.
"gale" i whispered as Kirby's gaze lingered on me.


"hey i got here as fast as i could" danny said he had just arrived, tara chad mindy ethan and i are sitting on the small bench.

i was placed in Ethan's lap my back leaning against his chest as his arms layed faintly around my waist.

"did you?" tara asked as she stared up at danny. "im scared you guys.." mindy admitted, i reached over grabbing her hand giving her an encouraging smile. "we'll get through this okay?"

"i just don't want to get hurt again" she said in a low whisper. "me neither." chad said as he leaned his chin on his fist.

"and i dont want you getting hurt either." mindy said as chad leaned back laying his head on her shoulder followed by tara. "i know, i know"

"so what do we now?" i asked softly, as everyone sighed my eyes shot up at sam at the words that left her lips.
"maybe he gets to win this time." she said before she stood up. "he wants to punish me, me"

"so maybe i let him" she said as tears started to run down her face. "I'll just give myself up, if this is what I'll have to do, to keep you safe, it's worth it" she sniffled.

"what? no" tara said before i spoke up "we're not doing that sam" i said as ethan softly squeezed my waist.

"you moved back to woodsburrow to protect us, every single day you make the decision to protect us" tara said.
"none of us would even be alive if it wasn't for you, you have to let us protect you this time"

"no" sam said shaking her head.
"yes" tara argued in a whisper nodding her head. "we're a team remember?"

"actually" i said standing up aswell.
"we're family" mindy finished my sentence.

"yes core fucking five baby" chad said as i sat back down from the aching feeling in my thigh. "he's just goanna keep coming after us" sam said making me frown.

i shifted uncomfortably before my face went red as i heard a low groan errupt from Ethan's throat.

his grip on my waist tightened. "sorry" i said in a low whisper as i stopped squirming around. "its fine" he said in a hushed voice making my face go even redder.

"i-isnt there somewhere we can go?" ethan asked as mindy glared at him.
"he's just gonna keep following us" tara said making ethan sigh. "great"

tara stared out before something snapped. "we could use that though"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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