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are you serious?" tara asked in disbelief as i stared at them in shock, we were being chased by a masked killer and weren't allowed out of town?

"he's right, but if we work togeth-" kirby started as sam cut her off. "were going" she said as the three of us turned around towards the exit. Sam opened the doors as we were met with the sight of a lot of interviewers.

i rolled my eyes at the sight as sam glanced back at us, while she walked in front of us. "samantha" we heard an interviewer yell.

"alibi for last night's murder?"

"tara, do you feel safe around your sister?"


"Gale weather's channel four" we heard making us stop in our tracks. "do you girls think you are the reason the ghost face killers have come to the big apple" gale asked us the microphone lingering at her lips.

sam shook her head with an amused eye roll, her fist lunged forward towards gale's face making my eyes widen. gale avoided the punch by leaning right she chuckled.

"nice try sweety, but I've done this dance before" she was able to finish her sentence before Tara's fist launched itself into her jaw, i stiffled a laugh as tara spoke up. "stay away from us" tara said as she grabbed my arm pulling me with her.

"are you really still mad at me?" gale asked following after us making sam turn around. "you said you wouldn't write a book about what happend, and then you wrote a book about what happend" sam said.

"oh come one, somebody was goanna write about it" gale said shaking her head. "that's what i do"


i was laying down on my bed with ethan at the end of it. "are you okay?" ethan asked closing his econ book, he shifted towards me laying next to me with a huff.

"hm, yeah" i said finally snapping out of my thoughts. "why?"

ethan chuckled lowly."well you got chased by a killer not too long ago." he said. "and I've been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes."

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" i said referring to what he had been trying to tell me. "no, its nothing you just looked....lost."

i sighed as he softly tapped his chest, i placed my head on his chest. the soft scent of cinnamon filling my nostrils.
"tell me" he whispered softly as his fingers stroked through my hair.

"i thought i was gonna die..." i whispered under my breath. ethan signed as he kissed the top of my head. "i know, i know" he mumbled as he pulled me closer. "im not letting anything happen to you.."

i lifted my head from his shoulder, his eyes met mine making me smile. i softly pressed my lips against his, his hand found the back of my thigh pulling me ontop of him. butterflies erupted in my stomach from his touch.

it hadn't mattered how many times things like this happend between us.
he still has that effect over me i smiled into the kiss as his thumb started to rub small circles on my waist.

he swiftly flipped us around making me gasp, he took the chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth. our tongue's tangled together as our breaths mixed.

 tanathophobia • ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now