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i was standing in my father's apartment with Quinn by my side the knife and mask i used scattered around the table. "he was totally saving her!" Quinn argued. me and quinn were going back and forth throwing accusations at eachoter.

she thought that i stabbed moon in her thigh on purpose, while i had a clean shot to go at her stomach. i did i know i did. i also knew Quinn was watching me chase them through the apartment. "i didn't!" i argued back at her. "she moved i was aiming for her stomac-"

"no, you weren't, you're fucking whipped thats why you didnt" Quinn said as i swallowed thickly. "you could've killed her, but you didnt" she shrugged.

"i didn't have the chance anika came at me-" i started as Quinn cut me off.
"oh no don't even try to throw this on some bitch who clung herself to your leg" she chuckled amusingly. "dont let me get started about the meeting, or what happend before that." she smirked, i gritted my teeth together glaring at my sister.

"i had to gain her trust-" i started.
"oh, but that looked like way more than just trust didn't it e?" she said smirking amusingly.

"it was just some harmless kissing, I'm literally her boyfriend-"

"just kissing huh?" Quinn asked leaning against the table. "you sure?"
"Quinn" i warned as i shot daggers at her with my eyes.

"ethan." my father said firmly making me turn around. "is this true?" he asked me as i spoke up.

"no of course not" i said making a fake chuckle errupt from my throat.

"what is it?" quinn said as i turned my glaring gaze towards her. "her smile, her lips, the sex?" quinn pressed making me lunge at her, she pressed her knife to my throat with a smirk.

"sex?" i said chuckling as the knife pressed against my throat. "Of course it's about sex for you huh? it always is. tasted every dick in the building haven't you quinn?" i asked as she pushed the knife forward, making a small drop of blood drip from my neck. i smirked as i felt the blood drip down to my shirt.

"lets not forget who's side your on now hm?" quinn said glaring at me.
"our family's" i said sternly gritting my teeth. "then prove it, kill her" Quinn said making me turn towards my father as he spoke up.

"enough!" my father's voice echoed through the room. "Quinn you do not get to make decisions here, do you understand?" he said as quinn lowered her knife from my neck.

"and ethan" he said turning towards me. "if i ever notice you're letting your emotions get in the way of this again, then i swear to god ill kill her myself." he said making me nod.


i pushed myself through the crowd of people, i reached a yellow lint lifting it up and squirming under it. that's when i spotted chad sitting in the ambulance with tara mindy and moon.

she had a bandage wrapped around her leg, my heart ached at the sight i didn't want to stab her. but if quinn saw that i didn't stab her at all, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"chad.." i said in a low whisper as he looked up at me, he walked over to me grabbing my shirt and pushing me into the police car. i grunted as my back hit the car, I can't wait to drive a knife through his rib cage. "chad!" moon yelled.

"where were you?" he said through gritted teeth holding me in place.
"whe-when?" i said placing a face of concern on my face. "last night!" he said pushing me back harder.

"i-i hade econ" i said through grunts and stutters. "you know tha-" chad didnt let me finish as he slammed me back for the third time cutting me off.
"bullshit man !" he yelled out. "you dissapear my sister almost gets killed!"

"chad" the faint voice of moon rang through my ears, chad loosened his grip for a second before it returned.

"dude, i was in a study hall with a hundred other people" i said putting my hands up in defence. "you can ask any of them." chad glared at me as his lip trembled.

"fuck man" he said letting go of me taking a step back. "oh my god..." i said making my own voice tremble as i tried to submit a smirk. "who?" i asked staring at the body's laying on the ground in the distance.

"anika.." chad said making me turn to them. "and quinn..." the faint voice of moons voice lingered in my ear.

"hey are you okay?" i said as i stepped closer to the ambulance looking at moon. "step the fuck back" mindy said glaring at me. "you're at the top of my list." she said sternly, god ill stab her next.

"mindy..." moon said. "he was at econ.." moon said standing up for me. but the tone of her voice made it doubtable. her gaze lifted to meet mine as she sent me an apologetic smile. oh that fucking smile of her's.

I didn't mean to cut her, I didn't even mean to stab her. but quinn was watching i knew she was, it would've given me away in a second. "im gonna be right back.." tara said tapping Mindy's thigh. i slowly stepped forward taking the place tara was in, as i sat down next to moon she stared at me.

"swear to me you were at econ" she said. "i swear" i repeated, my lips found way to her head when she layed it down on my shoulder.

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