Chapter 1- Meeting the greasers

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I had just moved here with my mom, my dad had died and my mom didn't have enough money to live where we used to, so we had to move to the north side of  Tulsa.

I had been taking a walk to clear my head when I see another greaser getting jumped by the Socs

The Socs are the south side rich kids, they think it's okay to jump us greasers because we're poor

I ran over to the greaser that was being jumped by the socs, I didn't know exactly what I was going to do, I'm not very strong but I might be able to distract the Socs long enough to give the greaser a chance to get away

Once I got closer I saw the greaser had dark hair and big dark eyes wide with the fear of the Socs

I ran to a Soc and kicked his legs so he would fall to the ground, then I got punched by a Soc but the greaser kicked his back causing him to fall, then the greaser and I started to run, we were chased a few blocks before we got away.

"Thanks for helping me out back there, I ain't seen you round' here before, you got a name?" The greaser asked

"y/n y/l/n what about you?" I said

"My names' Johnny, Johnny Cade, I should probably help you get cleaned up, you're bleedin' an awful lot"

I smiled at him and said "I would appreciate that, thank you"

We started walking to a house and we walk in and I see a bunch of teenage boys in a living room.

"Hey guys, we got jumped by the Socs" Johnny says to the boys

"Well who is she" the oldest looking one said

"Her name is y/n, she helped me out when the Socs were jumping me, but one of those Socs hit her pretty hard, the side of her head is bleedin'.

Now the oldest looking one looked concerned and said "alright, well let her rest on the sofa and I'll go get the first aid kit" Johnny then took me over to the sofa and set up down, that was the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

I woke up in the morning with a terrible headache, and only one person was there, I remembered seeing him from last night, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, and a cold, tough expression.

"Oh, hey, you're up y/n" he said

"Yes, I didn't have a chance to catch your name yesterday"

He smirked and said "Dallas Winston, but you can call me Dally or Dal"

I looked around the house to see if anyone else was there but I saw no one "where's everyone else?" I asked Dally

"Well, PonyBoy, Johnny, and Two-bit had school, Soda, Steve, and Darry had work." He paused then continued "Soda should be home soon though"

Just as Dally finished saying this a boy, that looked like he could be a movie star came through the door, he had hair the color of gold, and dark brown eyes.

"Hey, y/n, how you feeling? Heard those Socs beat you up pretty bad." The boy said

"I'm feeling much better today, I didn't get your name last night" I said

He gave a movie star smile and said "I'm SodaPop, but everyone calls me Soda. I'm glad you're feeling better y/n" after Soda says this he comes and sits next to me on the couch

Dally then comes and sits on the opposite side of me on the couch and smirks at me. "Hey, you want to come see a movie with me tonight Doll? Dally asks

"Sure, why not" I say. Soda then looks at Dally with a worried expression and says "hey, y/n, can I talk to you outside" I respond "okay"

Soda and I walk outside onto the porch and he shuts the door then turns to me, he looks a little nervous but he starts to say "I don't think it's a good idea for you to go to the movies with Dally"

I was very confused by this. I then said "why? What's wrong with Dally?"

Soda pauses for a minute and then says "it's just... you have to understand Dally is... the most troubled one of us... he gets into a lot of trouble and is not right for you."

I took a second to think about that, Dally did seem kind of that type, but I did want to get to know him better "I'll go to the movies with Dally, but if anything bad happens I'll tell you."

Soda seemed a little to get a little less nervous and said "alright, but can I come to the movies with you and Dally to make sure you stay safe"

I smile and say "yes" after that we both go back inside smiling. Dally notices and has a suspicious look on his face. Soda just smiles and says "I'm coming to the movies too" Dally just scoffs and rolls his eyes

"Alright, I better head home and get ready for the movie" Dally smirks and says "I'm pick you up in about an hour" I smile and start walking home.

Dallas Winston and SodaPop Curtis love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now