🎤 | Broadcast over

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Disclaimer: Diana is my OC. If you want, you can just imagine it's you, but I will be using my OC for this. Also it'll be in third person cause it's just easier for me that way. Plus ik that some of you might not like what I make her do or might find it a bit cringey, so I'm keeping it in third person.

Alastor was in his broken radio tower where he held his broadcasts. He was distressed and in a fret. His smile never faltered but his eyes showed his fury.

"I nearly died.. for them?!" He spoke angrily. His claws scratched through his desk. He quickly turned around when he heard her.

His demonic eyes looked wild. He looked so... furious yet panicked.

"Diana. what are you doing here?.." He growled as he came up to her. He seemed hostile and frantic.

"Leave." He strained.

She held his hands and caressed them. "You're ok...you're alive...I thought you died..." Tears fell down her eyes as she was thankful that he was alive and well.

He took a deep breath. He felt his heartbeat quicken as if his heart was trying to beat itself out of his chest. He couldn't understand this strange feeling in his chest.

"Alive... yes..."

He looked up to meet her eyes. He noticed the tears in her eyes. What was she feeling? Why did she care so much about him? He was confused by this. He wasn't supposed to be feeling this. Was he?

She saw the wound on his chest and immediately got worried. "Oh my goodness! Please let me heal you!"

His body began to tremble. He wasn't expecting her to touch him like that. He wanted to get away from her touch but.. he wanted to stay right there.

"I-it's nothing. Really, it's nothing..don't worry. I'm okay.."

He didn't mind her hands lingering and her tender touch. It felt soothing, but he must remain calm. He is an overlord. He's not supposed to feel this way.. right?

"Alastor shut the fuck up!! You're hurt!!" More tears fall from her eyes. She can't help but be worried about him as his wound was very serious.

He flinched, not expecting her to lash out at him like that. He was startled, but he stayed quiet. This was not like him.. he wanted to feel strong and powerful. Yet he was crumbling from this... sensation.

His heart was racing and he was breathing heavily. His legs began to tremble. His face was hot and he was feeling flush. Why.. why was he feeling such strange things? His hand felt so small in hers. He wanted to pull away but he could only freeze.

"Now stay still please..." She put her hand over his wound and her hand started to glow.

He tried not to struggle. He was scared to show vulnerability in a situation like this.

This new sensation felt odd.. the feeling of warmth and light on his chest was something he never had. Not from anyone. He shivered and felt uneasy but his body seemed to be enjoying it. It felt like a massage for the soul. He breathed heavily but he still stayed perfectly still..

The glowing from her hand faded away. She pulled her hand back and the wound was gone.

He was bewildered by the sight. It was gone.. the wound had completely healed. It was like it never was there. The feeling in his chest was growing larger.. warmer and he felt that strange sensation that felt nice. He felt himself wanting to lean into her hand. But his mind was telling him to be stern and a dominant overlord. But.. his heart wanted something else all together.

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