He's like a father figure for you

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The days at the Hazbin Hotel passed quickly, too quickly. The arrival of the day of extermination was getting closer and closer. Diana could feel the fear growing inside her; the fear of being unable to survive haunted her, and she was not the only one. But not wanting to bring even more hopelessness to the others, she decided to retreat to her room in the hope of finding the courage to carry on and get ready for the day of extermination. Locking herself in her room was not an action that went unnoticed. Alastor, who, ever since she arrived at the hotel, had taken her under his protective wing, treating her thoughtfully, almost like a child, manifested himself in her room.

"Diana, my dear, may I know why you shut yourself here?" Alastor asked as he rested a hand on one of her shoulders, looking down at her caringly. "I'm scared about extermination day. What if I don't survive?..." She turns around to look at him. Alastor stares down at her with a caring yet worried expression. He puts one finger under her chin and lifts her head up, trying to keep her focused on him. "Do not lose hope, my dear. Even if the probability is very low, our chances of surviving are more than zero. With the help of our family and friends at the hotel, I'm sure your chances will increase significantly. The only one who can take away your courage is yourself, Diana."

"W-What if I lose you?..."

"Diana... you should not think such thoughts." Alastor's grip tightens on her shoulders, his grip not causing her pain but instead bringing a sense of protection. "I promise you... you will not lose me. I have been through several Exterminations with the inhabitants of this hotel, and I have never had any problems surviving. This time is no different from the rest. We just have to be as cautious as possible, and nothing bad will happen." She hugs him tightly. "Please promise me you'll still be here..." Alastor squeezes back tightly, holding her close to him, trying to relieve her from her worries. "Don't worry, my dear... I promise you. I'll be here. I'll not leave your side. I promise you that. " Alastor says, his voice soft and gentle. He seems to be doing his best to try and put her at ease. She nods. Seeing her slightly relieved, he lets her go, and he places his hands on her shoulders. "You know, being frightened is perfectly normal in this kind of situation. But it will pass shortly, I assure you. " Alastor looks at her, trying to smile reassuringly at her, still retaining his caring facial expression, hoping that seeing him feeling more confident in the situation would ease her worry. "But this extermination days different. We are fighting back this time."

"It may seem different, given that we're taking a different approach. But that does not mean that survival is still not possible. In fact, I believe that since we are all banding together for this fight, our chances of surviving have increased significantly." She nods, and she lays her head on his shoulder. "You know, my dear, you should not be too preoccupied with these thoughts. We still have a lot of time before extermination day, and there are many things we can do to better prepare ourselves for the day." Alastor says as he ruffles her hair playfully, a warm smile taking residence on his face. "I know.."

"Then do not fill your head with such negative thoughts, my dear." Alastor's smile gets more expansive as he speaks, his eyes softening with his gentle gaze. "I know everything will be fine, and you do too. We will survive this day, just like every extermination before... and the one after this one. " She nods. "I should probably get some rest now.."

"Yes, I believe you should. I imagine that today was a pretty tense day for you." Alastor's smile softens more as he speaks, seemingly taking notice of how she seems to be fatigued. He says more gently, more akin to when he is talking with a child. He gently moves her hair to the side a little. "You seem quite exhausted. You should get some sleep, Diana."

"Goodnight Alastor.." She says while smiling at you and falls asleep. Alastor's smile remains as she sleeps, finding it a little amusing how fast she fell asleep and even slightly endearing. "Sleep well..." He whispers as he closes the door behind him. He gently closes the door of her room and slowly walks back to his own. His steps are slow, his movements calm and gentle, and he looks like the picture of a gentleman.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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