He's mad at you

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⚠️ Mentions of suicide and abuse ⚠️
If you feel uncomfortable reading this, please feel free to skip this chapter. Now let's get onto the story.

Diana had come back to the Hotel, covered in injuries. Extermination day had just ended so everyone knew what she got the injuries from. Alastor's heart dropped seeing her in such a state. He came to her to give her assistance. Alastor gently moved her arm around him. He takes her up to his room to tend to Diana's injuries. When she is plonked on the bed, he walks away from her in a huff. She can tell he isn't happy to see her like this.

Alastor pushed open his bathroom door, making a slight clash in the wall behind it, making the door bounce back a bit. He places his hands on the sink either side. Alastor feels a rush of anger washing over him. He didn't understand why she would even fight an Angel. He pushes the anger down while his bob falls slightly down his cheeks. Alastor inhales and exhales loudly pulling himself together. He opens the cupboard above the sink grabbing the medical kit and looks at some pill pots and then takes one.

Alastor slams the cupboard door shut walking over to her, placing the medical kit and pill pot next to her thigh. He unzips the kit angerly. When she went to grab the pill pot. He quickly takes it away from her grasp and places it on the side table next to his bed. Alastor grabs little scissors and some bandages. He cuts some of Diana's clothes to wrap up the injures.

"What the hell were you thinking Diana? What bright idea made you think you could fight some Angels."Alastor bends down to rest on his knees. He cleans the area of her wound then wraps it up slightly aggressively. "You could have got extremely hurt maybe even-" He cuts himself off knowing he's getting ahead of himself here. He sighs before looking up at her. He snarls at her cocky smirk. "I will rip that smirk off your face. I do not care for you, if that's what you are thinking. I am just telling you how stupid you are." He tilts his back head down going to the next injury.

Diana rolls her eyes not believing him. He definitely cares about her but just doesn't want to admit it. "Yeah sureee."

"Shut it. I am not in the mood to argue. Just know you did something incredibly bloody stupid." He says with slight emphasis on bloody stupid. Diana just rolls her eyes again. "Whatever."

"Yeah whatever yourself. Just know I'm not pleased with you." He says getting back up to get more supplies for the other injury.

Diana is just plain confused at Alastor. "If you don't care, why are you so mad with me?"

"I do not care to like you, but I care for the protection of the hotel and it's people. He sighs before speaking quietly. "And you happen to be one of those people."

Diana just rolls her eyes at that comment. "Well, Charlie needed help fighting the angels so I helped."

"I should have come down there to fight the Angels. I would've dealt with them quickly. But no, you just had to do your own thing." He mutters. He's starting to sound irritated again. He sighs once more, calming himself down. He finishes bandaging the other injury.

Diana is starting to get really irritated him. "Look I'm sorry alright?! But I'm ok I'm not dead!"

"I know your not dead, but that was a very risky move you did there." He stands up, sighing deeply. He starts to pack up the medical supplies. Diana sighs. "Well, I'm ok now! So there's nothing to worry about!"

"That's the issue- there was something to worry about. You could have died or gotten severely injured. But you just go in there, not even batting an eyelash."He sighs, his anger levels rising again. He places the medical kit away and closes the cupboards.

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