He's sick and you're worried for him 🤒

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Alastor had been sick for at least two days and Diana had started to get worried about him since this wasn't your average harmless flu.

Alastor was currently laying in his bedroom with her sitting beside him, he had insisted that she go and rest in her own room but she refused to leave his side. "Dear, really I'm alright, but you on the other hand look exhausted, you need rest, I'll be fine on my own, I've been here for decades!" Diana shakes her head no. "No! I'm staying!"

"But my dear-" He had started to cough. "I-I can handle myself.." Diana starts getting annoyed and says, "I said no! Now shush!" He just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine then, but you better get some rest later, agreed?" Diana nods. "Yeah, I will get rest. I'm sleeping here." He rolled his eyes again and hugged her tightly. "Fine but you better go to sleep later, you heard me?!" Diana giggles at Alastor. "I will! Diana gives him some water to drink. "Now drink!"

"Ugh fine.." He had then taken the water and took a sip of it. "You know you are incredibly stubborn." Diana widens her eyes and says, "Excuse me?"

"Nothing! I meant nothing! It's just-"
He had then started to cough a bit and tried to hide it from her. Diana gives him a stern look and gives him more water. He then had taken the water and took another sip of it, he sighed and then looked at her. "Thank you," Then he had continued to hug her. "I don't think you deserve hugs right now after calling me stubborn!" Diana says with an attitude. "Oh don't be so dramatic!" He rolled his eyes and then sighed "Besides, you are stubborn."

"Oh so I'm dramatic now?!" Diana says.  "Yes, dramatic and stubborn!" He had then coughed again and winced in pain.  "You're lucky you're sick right now!!"She said angrily and sighs. "Where does it hurt?"

"Oh I don't know.. my lungs maybe?"  He tried to be sarcastic but his cough made it clear he was in a lot of pain. She slaps his ass. "Don't give me attitude!! Now point to where it hurts!!" (I'm sorry I had to 😂)

"HEY-" Alastor had flinched and winced in pain and pointed to his chest.  "Shush!! That was for giving me attitude!!" Diana grabs some Vicks and unbuttons his shirt and rubs it on his chest. "This should help." He had then sighed and looked back at her. "You're really gonna use Vicks as your cure huh?" He said quietly, still with a slight sarcastic tone. "It helps with breathing jackass!!" She said sounding a little bit irritated with him. "Yeah yeah yeah..." He just sighed and looked back at her. "Can I say something..?"

Diana rolls her eyes and says, "What?" Alastor seems to get a bit nervous. "It's a bit embarrassing.. please don't get mad."

"Just say it Alastor." She said while continuing on rubbing the Vicks on his chest. "Well..." He had then started to get red in the face. "Could you please continue what you're doing?...."

"Continue what?" She said as she stops rubbing the Vicks on his chest and goes to the bathroom in his room to wash her hands. "W-well.. you were rubbing the Vicks on my chest and uh-" Alastor had then started to blush heavily. "Yeah so?" She said as she's washing the Vicks off of her hands. He was quiet for a minute. "Um.. could you continue rubbing the vicks on my chest?..."

"I can't use too much of it Alastor but I can do something else." Diana says. He was silent for a moment. "What do you mean?.." Diana lays down next to him and gets inside the covers with him. Alastor had then blushed bright red and was silent for a few seconds. "Wait what are you-" Diana pulls him closer and makes him lay his head on her chest and Diana starts petting his ears. (I'm so evil 😈)

He had then moved even closer to her and had then closed his eyes and relaxed. "So what you're just gonna take care of me while I'm sick?" He said quietly, sounding half sleepy. "Yes, cause I was really worried about you so I'm gonna take care of you while you're sick." Diana says as she continues on petting his ears. "O-okay.. and.. are you gonna sleep here tonight so you make sure I'm still alive and well?" He said in the same sleepy tone and had then yawned a bit before closing his eyes again.

"Yes I'll be sleeping here with you until you get better." She said. He had then nuzzled into her and was basically laying on top of her. "Thank you.." Then he had started to yawn again and was slowly falling asleep. Diana smiles softly. "You're welcome..." He had then started to slowly fall asleep, leaning more and laying more of his weight on top of her. Diana holds onto him and falls asleep as well. He was completely asleep at this point and had started to snore a bit as he cuddled into her.

I'm sorry if it seems a bit short, but I hope you guys like it nonetheless. 😁
Idk why but I feel like Alastor would just act so adorable while he's sick. Idk why I just do. 😂

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